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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第3,1113,120项(搜索用时0.011秒)
math/AI-DecisionTree-0.11 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Perl module for Automatically Learning Decision Trees
The AI::DecisionTree module automatically creates so-called "decision trees" to explain a set of training data. A decision tree is a kind of categorizer that use a flowchart-like process for categorizing new instances. A decision tree like this one can be learned from training data, and then applied to previously unseen data to obtain results that are consistent with the training data.
misc/wmweather+-2.15 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Displays current conditions and forecasts with icons and text
wmweather+ will download the National Weather Serivce METAR bulletins; AVN, ETA, and MRF forecasts; and any weather map for display in a WindowMaker dockapp. Think wmweather with a smaller font, forecasts, a weather map, and a sky condition display. You will need to look up the METAR code for your city (a standard code used in aviation).
net/Net-MAC-2.103622 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Perl 5 module for representing and manipulating MAC addresses
The Perl 5 module Net::MAC allows you to - store a MAC address in a Perl object - find out information about a stored MAC address - convert a MAC address into a specified format - easily compare two MAC addresses for string or numeric equality
net/samba36-3.6.25 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Samba "ftp-like" client
smbclient is samba client with an "ftp like" interface. It is a useful tool to test connectivity to a Windows share. It can be used to transfer files, or to look at share names. In addition, it has a nifty ability to 'tar' (backup) and restore files from a server to a client and visa versa.
net/yconalyzer-1.0.4 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
TCP Traffic Analyzer
Yconalyzer is a low-overhead pcap utility that provides a bird's eye view of traffic on a particular TCP port, displaying a distribution of duration, volume and throughput over all connections while being able to narrow down to a connection as well.
print/dvi2tty-5.3.4 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
dvi-file previewer for text only devices
dvi2tty converts a TeX DVI-file to a format that is appropriate for terminals and line printers. The program is intended to be used for preliminary proofreading of TeX-ed documents. By default the output is directed to the terminal, possibly through a pager (depending on how the program was installed), but it can be directed to a file or a pipe.
science/Chemistry-MacroMol-0.06 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Perl toolkit to describe macromolecules
Chemistry-MacroMol is a toolkit includes basic objects and methods to describe macromolecules, a macromolecule is just a molecule that consists of several "domains". For example, a protein consists of aminoacid residues, or a nucleic acid consists of bases. Therefore Chemistry::MacroMol is derived from Chemistry::Mol, with additional methods to handle the domains.
security/cvm-0.96 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Credential Validation Modules
Credential Validation Modules: - The reference source for the CVM interface - Diagnostic and benchmark CVM clients - A checkpassword interface CVM client - A UNIX/POSIX system module (uses getpwnam) - A flat-file module - A library for client writers - A set of libraries for module writers
security/hmac-0.4.0 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Ruby library which implements the HMAC algorithm
ruby-hmac: HMAC for Ruby This module provides a common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of "Message Authentication Code" (MAC) algorithm which standard is documented in RFC2104. Namely, a MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret key.
security/ruby-hmac-0.4.0 (Score: 2.0746785E-4)
Common interface to HMAC functionality
This module provides common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of "Message Authentication Code" (MAC) algorithm whose standard is documented in RFC2104. Namely, a MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret key. Originally written by Daiki Ueno. Converted to a RubyGem by Geoffrey Grosenbach