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Results 2,6912,700 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
devel/abi-compliance-checker-1.99 (Score: 7.8480446E-4)
Checks binary compatibility of two versions of a C/C++ shared library
Given the header files and shared objects corresponding to two different shared library versions, and a simple description of each of the shared libraries in XML format, abi-compliance-checker searches for the following kinds of binary compatibility problems: --added/withdrawn interfaces (functions, global variables) --changes to constants --problems in data types: --classes: added/withdrawn virtual functions (changes in layout of virtual table), virtual function positions, virtual function redefinitions --structural data types: added/withdrawn members (changes in layout of type structure), changes in members, size changes --enumerations: member value changes --interface problems: --parameter and return type changes --incorrect symbol versions The checker then generates a report that assesses the risks of any potential problems detected.
mail/tkrat-2.1.5 (Score: 7.8480446E-4)
Mail user agent for X with a Tcl/Tk user interface
Excerpted from the BLURB file... TkRat is a graphical Mail User Agent (MUA) which handles MIME, POP3 and IMAP4.1. It is mainly written in C, but the user interface is done in Tcl/Tk. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the capabilities: * Multilingual interface (English, Swedish and Italian included) * MIME support: text/plain, image/gif and message/rfc822 including multipart/mixed and multipart/alternate, Quoted-printable and Base64 encoding. * Supports MIME in headers * Composing: (tk's text widget plus many extensions) or an external editor of your choice. * Message database * Virtual folders: mbox, mh, IMAP or POP * Message hold: suspend the composing, continued later * Watcher: When the program is iconified it checks the mailbox * Uses sendmail OR direct SMTP or other MA * Supports Delivery Status Notifications - DSN ESMTP sendmail-8.7 * Supports PGP/MIME and "old-style PGP message receipt"
sysutils/rej-0.16 (Score: 7.8480446E-4)
Merges patch-rejects and runs a merge program to verify the changes
rej tries to merge simple patch-rejects and then run a merge program so the changes can be verified. It is not meant to resolve complex problems that would not be immediately obvious to the programmer, the goal instead is to quickly fix the easy problems. rej understands both unified and context diffs. There are four basic rejects fixable via rej. 1. missing context at the top or bottom of the hunk 2. different context in the middle of the hunk 3. slightly different lines removed by the hunk than exist in the file 4. Large hunks that might apply if they were broken up into smaller ones rej also allows you to tag hunks in a reject with special processing hints.
sysutils/danzfs-0.2.0 (Score: 7.8480446E-4)
Provides a Python API for interacting with ZFS without using libzfs
DanZFS provides a Python API for checking the status of ZFS without the use of libzfs by calling the system binaries and parsing the output. Currently you can: - 1. List the ZFS properties (name, property, value, source) 2. List filesystems, snapshots, and volumes (name, used, available, refer, and mountpoint) 3. Query the pool IO statistics (name, capacity, operations, and bandwidth) 4. List the pools (name, size, allocated, free, capacity, deduplication, health, and alternativeroot) 5. Query the pool status (name, state, status, action, scan, config-type, config-disks, and errors) 6. Replication "daemon" allowing near realtime local and remote replication using snapshots. The data from the API calls will be returned as a Python dictionary. Example code is provided and will be installed into the ${PREFIX}/share/examples/danzfs directory.
textproc/luaexpat-1.3.0 (Score: 7.8480446E-4)
LuaExpat is a SAX XML parser based on the Expat library
LuaExpat is a SAX XML parser based on the Expat library. SAX is the Simple API for XML and allows programs to: * process a XML document incrementally, thus being able to handle huge documents without memory penalties; * register handler functions which are called by the parser during the processing of the document, handling the document elements or text. With an event-based API like SAX the XML document can be fed to the parser in chunks, and the parsing begins as soon as the parser receives the first document chunk. LuaExpat reports parsing events (such as the start and end of elements) directly to the application through callbacks. The parsing of huge documents can benefit from this piecemeal operation.
chinese/CJKUnifonts-0.2.20080216.1 (Score: 7.843443E-4)
CJKUnifonts TrueType Font is a combine of Arphic Ming and Kai fonts
These fonts are chinese Unicode fonts which include the following charsets: - Big5 - GB2312-80 - HKSCS-2004 - ISO8859-1,2,3,4,7,9,10,13,14,15 - Bopomofo Extended for Minnan and Hakka, Minnan (Unicode 5.0) and their MBE variants. Partly support is implemented for: CNS 11643 GBK GB18030 Japanese Korean This font is under development, new glyphs for the partly supported charsets are constantly added. This font is a TrueType Collection containing 4 flavors, namely CN, HK, TW and TW MBE.
Nagios plugin to check the lag between a postgresql replica and master
nagiosplugin is a class library which helps writing Nagios (or Icinga) compatible plugins easily in Python. It cares for much of the boilerplate code and default logic commonly found in Nagios checks, including: * Nagios 3 Plugin API compliant parameters and output formatting * Controller to handle the general plugin control flow * Full Nagios range syntax support * Automatic threshold checking * Multiple independend measures and overall state logic * Long output and performance data * Timeout handling * Default options * Persistent "cookies" to retain state information between check runs
databases/DB_QueryTool-1.1.2 (Score: 7.843443E-4)
PEAR OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB
PEAR::DB_QueryTool is an OO-abstraction to the SQL-Query language, it provides methods such as setWhere, setOrder, setGroup, setJoin, etc. to easily build queries. It also provides an easy to learn interface that interacts nicely with HTML-forms using arrays that contain the column data, that shall be updated/added in a DB. This package bases on an SQL-Builder which lets you easily build SQL-Statements and execute them.
devel/libdnsres-0.1a (Score: 7.843443E-4)
Provides a non-blocking thread-safe API for resolving DNS names
Libdnsres provides a non-blocking thread-safe API for resolving DNS names. It requires that your main application is built on top of libevent. Libdnsres' API essentially mirrors the traditional gethostbyname and getaddrinfo interfaces. All return values have been replaced by callbacks instead. The code borrows heavily from the BSD resolver library. In fact, it is an extremely ugly hack to make the BSD resolver library non-blocking and thread-safe without changing the API too much.
net/rude-0.70 (Score: 7.843443E-4)
Rude is a Real-time UDP Data Emitter and Collector (crude)
RUDE stands for Real-time UDP Data Emitter and CRUDE for Collector for RUDE. RUDE is a small and flexible program that generates traffic to the network, which can be received and logged on the other side of the network with the CRUDE. Currently these programs can generate and measure only UDP traffic. Actually these tools were designed and coded bacause of the accuracy limitations in the MGEN program.