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Results 601610 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.008 seconds)
net-mgmt/virt-viewer-3.1 (Score: 0.0024325987)
Provides a graphical viewer for a guest OS display
Virt Viewer provides a graphical viewer for the guest OS display. At this time is supports guest OS using the VNC protocol. Further protocols may be supported in the future as user demand dictates. The viewer can connect directly to both local and remotely hosted guest OS, optionally using SSL/TLS encryption.
editors/hnb-1.9.17 (Score: 0.002432278)
Hierarchical NoteBook a data organizer
hnb is a program to organize many kinds of data in one place, including addresses, TODO lists, ideas, book reviews, brainstorming, speech outlines, etc. It stores data in XML format, and is capable of native export to ASCII and HTML.
textproc/Text-Chomp-0.02 (Score: 0.002432278)
Module implementing a portable chomp
This module implements a single function, tchomp, which will remove all known line separators. The regular chomp() works only on the value in $/, which can be difficult if working in multi-platform environments.
games/moagg-1.95b (Score: 0.0024147104)
Pilot a small space ship
Moagg stands for "Mother of all gravity games". In this game you are pilot of a small space ship and have to navigate it through different caves by using the thrusters and rotating the ship. But besides gravity there are many other difficulties you have to master. The game is strongly influenced by some classical cave flyers from the C64 and Amiga era such as "Space Taxi" or "Gravity Force". But Moagg is supposed to be more than just a clone of these games.
net-im/Jabber-SimpleSend-0.03 (Score: 0.0024090824)
Send a Jabber message simply
This module is a wrapper around Net::Jabber that allows you to do one thing simply - send Jabber messages. It is useful for daemon processes, cron jobs or in any program that you want to be able to get your attention via Jabber.
sysutils/Tie-Syslog-2.04.03 (Score: 0.0024090824)
Tie a filehandle to Syslog
This module allows you to tie a filehandle (output only) to syslog. This becomes useful in general when you want to capture any activity that happens on STDERR and see that it is syslogged for later perusal. You can also create an arbitrary filehandle, say LOG, and send stuff to syslog by printing to this filehandle.
devel/Sub-Uplevel-0.2500 (Score: 0.0023398162)
Appear to run a function in a higher stack frame
Like Tcl's uplevel() function, but not quite so dangerous. The idea is just to fool caller(). All the really naughty bits of Tcl's uplevel() are avoided.
www/LWP-MediaTypes-6.02 (Score: 0.0023398162)
Guess media type for a file or a URL
This module provides functions for handling media (also known as MIME) types and encodings.
dns/Net-DNSBL-MultiDaemon-0.39 (Score: 0.0023300336)
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon - multi DNSBL prioritization
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon is the Perl module that implements the multi_dnsbl daemon. multi_dnsbl is a DNS emulator daemon that increases the efficacy of DNSBL look-ups in a mail system. multi_dnsbl may be used as a stand-alone DNSBL or as a plug-in for a standard BIND 9 installation. multi_dnsbl shares a common configuration file format with the Mail::SpamCannibal sc_BLcheck.pl script so that DNSBL's can be maintained in a common configuration file for an entire mail installation. Because DNSBL usefulness is dependent on the nature and source of spam sent to a specific site and because sometimes DNSBL's may provide intermittant service, multi_dnsbl interrogates them sorted in the order of greatest successful hits. DNSBL's that do not respond within the configured timeout period are not interrogated at all after 6 consecutive failures, and thereafter will be retried not more often than once every hour until they come back online. This eliminates the need to place DNSBL's in a particular order in your MTA's config file or periodically monitor the DNSBL statistics and/or update the MTA config file.
devel/Sub-Infix-0.004 (Score: 0.0023162998)
Create a fake infix operator
Sub::Infix creates fake infix operators using overloading. It doesn't use source filters, or Devel::Declare, or any of that magic. It's pure Perl, has no non-core dependencies, and runs on Perl 5.8.