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Results 881890 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.005 seconds)
graphics/gd-0.59 (Score: 0.08697138)
Python interface to the GD library
GD module is an interface to the GD library written by Thomas Bouttel. It has been extended in some ways from the original GD library.
graphics/gdal-2.1.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Python binding for GDAL
This port is the Python binding for GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library).
graphics/glewpy-0.7.4 (Score: 0.08697138)
Advanced OpenGL extensions to Python
GLEWpy aims to bring advanced OpenGL extensions to Python. This will allow the Python OpenGL developer to use features such as fragment and vertex shaders and image processing on the GPU. It serves as a complement to PyOpenGL and toolkits such as GLUT and SDL (pygame).
graphics/goocanvas-0.14.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
GooCanvas python bindings
GooCanvas python bindings
graphics/gphoto2-1.2.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Python bindings for libgphoto2
python-gphoto2 provides Python interface to libgphoto2.
graphics/graph-core-1.8.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
Library for working with graphs in Python, core module
A library for working with graphs in Python. It provides a suitable data structure for representing graphs and a whole set of important algorithms.
graphics/graph-dot-1.8.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
Library for working with graphs in Python, dot module
A library for working with graphs in Python. It provides a suitable data structure for representing graphs and a whole set of important algorithms.
graphics/graphy-1.0 (Score: 0.08697138)
Simple chart library for Python
Graphy is a simple Python library for generating charts. It tries to get out of the way and let you just work with your data. At the moment, it produces charts using the Google Chart API.
graphics/graph-1.8.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
Library for working with graphs in Python
A library for working with graphs in Python. It provides a suitable data structure for representing graphs and a whole set of important algorithms.
graphics/pngquant-2.5.2 (Score: 0.08697138)
Converts 32-bit RGBA PNGs into 8-bit RGBA-palette PNGs
pngquant is a command-line utility to quantize and dither 32-bit RGBA PNGs down to 8-bit (or smaller) RGBA-palette PNGs, usually with a significant reduction in file size (40-70% smaller than 24-bit PNGs). This unique type of PNG supports full alpha transparency and is compatible with all modern web browsers, and has better fallback in IE6 than 24-bit PNGs. Features: - High-quality palette generation using modernized Median Cut algorithm. - Unique dithering algorithm that adds less noise to images than the standard Floyd-Steinberg. - Easy to integrate with shell scripts, GUIs and server-side software. - Fast mode for processing large numbers of images.