Ports 搜索

devel/Test-Assertions-1.054 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Simple set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
Test::Assertions provides a convenient set of tools for constructing tests, such as unit tests or run-time assertion checks (like C's ASSERT macro). Unlike some of the Test:: modules available on CPAN, Test::Assertions is not limited to unit test scripts; for example it can be used to check output is as expected within a benchmarking script. When it is used for unit tests, it generates output in the standard form for CPAN unit testing (under Test::Harness).
devel/accessors-fast-0.03 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Wrap fastest Class::Accessor::* into pragma
This module was created as an alternative to use fields, and uses Class::Accessor::Fast as a base Creates accessors at compiletime Have own default new method: it creates object as a blessed hash, then locks keys to defined field list, and invoke init. So, recommended usage inside packages, is access by hash keys (it's 3 times faster then accessor). Since keys are locked, you will not suffer from autovivification. Public interface recommended to be documented as accessors. Uses Class::C3
devel/quilt-0.64 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Collection of bash scripts to ease working with patch files
quilt is a collection of bash scripts to manage a series of patches by keeping track of the changes each patch makes. Patches can be applied, un-applied, refreshed, etc. The key philosophical concept is that your primary output is patches. Not ".c" files, not ".h" files. But patches. So patches are the first-class object here. Quilt was originally based on Andrew Morton's patch scripts published on the Linux kernel mailing list.
irc/lostirc-0.4.6 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Simple and minimal IRC client for X
LostIRC is an IRC client for X, written in C++ using gtkmm as a widget set. The goal of the first stable version, is to make a simple, keyboard controlled IRC application with basic features implemented. Key features: * Simple and minimal client, where the keyboard can be used almost exclusively * Tab-completion for both nicks and commands * Autojoin servers and set which IRC commands to execute on connect * Multi-server support * DCC SEND support
math/octave-forge-lssa-0.1.2 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Octave-forge package lssa
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is lssa. A package implementing tools to compute spectral decompositions of irregularly-spaced time series. Currently includes functions based off the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and Adolf Mathias' implementation for R and C (see http://www.jstatsoft.org/v11/i02).
math/MCMCpack-1.3.7 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Markov chain Monte Carlo Package
This package contains functions to perform Bayesian inference using posterior simulation for a number of statistical models. Most simulation is done in compiled C++ written in the Scythe Statistical Library Version 1.0.3. All models return coda mcmc objects that can then be summarized using the coda package. Some useful utility functions such as density functions, pseudo-random number generators for statistical distributions, a general purpose Metropolis sampling algorithm, and tools for visualization are provided.
net/traff-0.7 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Libpcab based fast traffic accounting program
WHAT IS IT? Traff is a program that attaches itself to one or more network interfaces, sniffs all IP-packages passing at it and accounts each packets size. The collected information can be dumped to a mysql-Database, for further processing. The configuration is very flexible, allowing you to create different/multiple accounting rules. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001 - Hans Marcus Kr<FC>ger <hanskruger at iname.com>, Porter - Dan Caescu <dan.caescu at netcaetera.ro> <daniel at freebsd.ro>
textproc/libstree-0.4.2 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Generic Suffix Tree Library
libstree is a generic suffix tree implementation, written in C. It can handle arbitrary data structures as elements of a string. Unlike most demo implementations, it is not limited to simple ASCII character strings. Suffix tree generation in libstree is highly efficient and implemented using the algorithm by Ukkonen, which means that libstree builds suffix trees in time linear to the length of the strings (assuming that string element comparisons can be done in O(1)).
vietnamese/vnpstext-1.1 (Score: 7.7147986E-4)
Converts 8-bit VISCII Vietnamese text into PostScript
Tha^n cha`o ca'c ba.n, Vnpstext converts your 8-bit Vietnamese text to a PostScript file suitable for printing to a PostScript printer. To use it you need to have an 8-bit Vietnamese text file (VISCII, RFC 1456), which may be created with an editor like Vnelvis, or converted from Viet-Std 7-bit (VIQR, quoted-readable) format using vn7to8. David O'Brien obrien@cs.ucdavis.edu
devel/libhash-1.0.3 (Score: 7.6924724E-4)
Library for manipulating hash tables
This C library provides functions for manipulating in memory hash tables (aka associative arrays). Data is stored as void *'s so any data structure can be stored.