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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第12,55112,560项(搜索用时0.018秒)
devel/Struct-Dumb-0.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Make simple lightweight record-like structures
Struct::Dumb creates record-like structure types, similar to the struct keyword in C, C++ or C#, or Record in Pascal. An invocation of this module will create a construction function which returns new object references with the given field values. These references all respond to lvalue methods that access or modify the values stored. It's specifically and intentionally not meant to be an object class. You cannot subclass it. You cannot provide additional methods. You cannot apply roles or mixins or metaclasses or traits or antlers or whatever else is in fashion this week. On the other hand, it is tiny, creates cheap lightweight array-backed structures, uses nothing outside of core. It's intended simply to be a slightly nicer way to store data structures, where otherwise you might be tempted to abuse a hash, complete with the risk of typoing key names. The constructor will croak if passed the wrong number of arguments, as will attempts to refer to fields that don't exist.
devel/Sub-Alias-0.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simple subroutine alias
This module does a compile-time code injection to let you define subroutine aliases based on its name. This differs from p5-Sub-Name in that it defines a typeglob in a more correct way and keeps you from manipulating the symbols table directly. You can use the subroutine as if it was defined the ordinary way then. This is particularly useful in the cases when you need to have several identical subroutines with different names.
devel/Sub-Exporter-0.987 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
The biggest benefit of Sub::Exporter over existing exporters (including the ubiquitous Exporter.pm) is its ability to build new coderefs for export, rather than to simply export code identical to that found in the exporting package.
devel/Sub-Identify-0.12 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Retrieve names of code references
Sub::Identify allows you to retrieve the real name of code references.
devel/Test-CheckManifest-1.29 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Check if your Manifest matches your distro
Checks whether the Manifest file matches the distro or not. To match a distro the Manifest has to name all files that come along with the distribution
devel/Sub-Infix-0.004 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Create a fake infix operator
Sub::Infix creates fake infix operators using overloading. It doesn't use source filters, or Devel::Declare, or any of that magic. It's pure Perl, has no non-core dependencies, and runs on Perl 5.8.
devel/Sub-Multi-0.003 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Data::Bind-based multi-sub dispatch
Perl6 allows multiple subs and methods with the same name, differing only in their signature. multi sub bar (Dog $foo) {?} multi sub bar (Cat $foo) {?} Dispatching will happen based on the runtime signature of the subroutine or method call.
devel/Sub-Override-0.09 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
Sub::Override allows the programmer to simply name the sub to replace and to supply a sub to replace it with. my $override = Sub::Override->new('Some::sub', sub {'new data'}); # which is equivalent to: my $override = Sub::Override->new; $override->replace('Some::sub', sub { 'new data' });
devel/Sub-Signatures-0.21 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Use proper signatures for subroutines, including dispatching
One of the strongest complaints about Perl is its poor argument handling. Simply passing everything in the @_ array is a serious limitation. This module aims to rectify that. With this module, we can specify subroutine signatures and automatically dispatch on the number of arguments.
devel/Tee-0.14 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee