Ports 搜索

security/Net-SSL-ExpireDate-1.17 (Score: 0.038479697)
Obtain expiration date of certificate
Net::SSL::ExpireDate get certificate from network (SSL) or local file and obtain its expiration date.
www/Net-Flickr-Backup-3.1 (Score: 0.038479697)
OOP for backing up your Flickr photos locally
Net::Flickr::Backup - OOP for backing up your Flickr photos locally
www/Net-STF-Client-1.01 (Score: 0.038479697)
Perl extension for STF Client
Net::STF::Client implements the STF protocol to talk to STF servers.
ftp/Net-FTPServer-1.125 (Score: 0.038471945)
Full-featured, secure, extensible, and configurable Perl FTP server
A full-featured, secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server. Major features of Net::FTPServer include: * Feature parity with wu-ftpd, wu-ftpd style aliases and cdpath. * IP-based and IP-less virtual hosting. * Virtual filesystem allows the FTP server to serve files from a SQL database. * Configurable and extensible in Perl. * <Perl> sections in ftpd.conf file. * Supports all the latest RFCs and Internet Drafts, including MLST, MLSD, FEAT, OPTS, LANG. * Secure by design and implementation, can run in a chroot jail. * PAM authentication and anonymous mode. * Resource limits. * Run standalone or from inetd. * Configurable server greetings and welcome messages. * Sophisticated access control rules. * SITE EXEC (disabled by default). * Syslog logging. * Set TCP parameters.
print/Net-Printer-1.12 (Score: 0.038471945)
Perl extension for direct-to-lpd printing
Net::Printer ============ Perl module for directly printing to a print server/printer without having to create a pipe to either lpr or lp. This essentially mimics what the BSD LPR program does by connecting directly to the line printer printer port (almost always 515), and transmitting the data and control information to the print server. Please note that this module only communicates with the BSD Line Printer Daemon Protocol as described in RFC-1179. It does not natively speak to remote print servers via SMB, Apple-Talk or Netware. Remote print services running lpsched, such as Sun Solaris or other Sys V-derived operating systems, will work so long as the print spoolers are set up to understand the BSD protocol. Most modern network-capable laser printers, such as those manufactured by HP and LexMark, also "speak" BSD.
Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Authorize.Net
This is Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet, an Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Authorize.Net. It is only useful if you have a merchant account with Authorize.Net: http://www.authorize.net This module has been updated and now implements Authorize.Net API version 3.1.
x11-toolkits/gnome-sharp-2.24.2 (Score: 0.03832221)
GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
Gnome# provides C# bindings for Gnome libraries to the .NET runtime.
net/scr_ipfm-0.64 (Score: 0.0383203)
Use logs generated by ipfm to show data graphically
So scr_ipfm is a script written in php, used to graphically show amount of data downloaded by users in local network. To do that, it uses logs generated by ipfm program (ipfm is available at the address: http://robert.cheramy.net/ipfm/) scr_ipfm features: - sorting by field in, out, host and total - aggregated data of downloaded amount of data - daily, monthly, annually and global statistics
lang/mono-basic-4.0.1 (Score: 0.038251072)
VisualBasic.NET support for Mono
Mono Basic: Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime.
devel/monodevelop-5.0.1 (Score: 0.038018472)
IDE for the .NET platform
MonoDevelop is a free GNOME integrated development environment (IDE) primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages. It was originally a port of SharpDevelop 0.98. The main features of MonoDevelop are: * Code Completion * Class Management * Built-in Help * Project Support * Add-ins