Ports 搜索

devel/Devel-Modlist-0.801 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl extension to collect module use information
The Devel::Modlist perl module provides a means by which to get a quick run-down on which libraries and modules are being utilized by a given perl script. Just as compiler systems like gcc provide dependency information via switches such as -M, Devel::Modlist is intended to assist script authors in preparing dependency information for potential users of their scripts.
devel/Devel-MAT-0.24 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl Memory Analysis Tool
A Devel::MAT instance loads a heapdump file, and provides a container to store analysis tools to work on it. Tools may be provided that conform to the Devel::MAT::Tool API, which can help analyse the data and interact with the explorer user interface by using the methods in the Devel::MAT::UI package.
devel/Devel-PartialDump-0.18 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing
Devel::PartialDump is a data dumper optimized for logging of arbitrary parameters. It attempts to truncate overly verbose data, in a way that is hopefully more useful for diagnostics warnings than warn Dumper(@stuff); Unlike other data dumping modules there are no attempts at correctness or cross referencing, this is only meant to provide a slightly deeper look into the data in question.
devel/File-Spec-Native-1.004 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl extension for native OS implementation of File::Spec
This module is a stupid hack to make the default File::Spec behavior available from a subclass. This can be useful when using another module that expects a subclass of File::Spec but you want to use the current, native OS format (automatically detected by File::Spec).
devel/FileHandle-Unget-0.1628 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
FileHandle::Unget is a drop-in replacement for FileHandle which allows more than one byte to be placed back on the input. It supports an ungetc(ORD) which can be called more than once in a row, and an ungets(SCALAR) which places a string of bytes back on the input.
devel/IO-BufferedSelect-1.0 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Line-buffered select interface
IO::BufferedSelect - Line-buffered select interface The purpose of this module is to implement a buffered version of the select interface that operates on lines, rather than characters. Given a set of filehandles, it will block until a full line is available on one or more of them.
devel/Gnome2-GConf-1.044 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Perl bindings for the GConf2 configuration engine
This module allows you to use the GConf configuration system in order to store/retrieve the configuration of an application. The GConf system is a powerful configuration manager based on a user daemon that handles a set of key and value pairs, and notifies any changes of the value to every program that monitors those keys. GConf is used by GNOME 2.x.
devel/IO-Null-1.01 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
IO::Null - class for null filehandles
IO::Null ======== Calling a constructor of this class always succeeds, returning a new null filehandle. Writing to any object of this class is always a no- operation, and returns true. Reading from any object of this class is always nooperation, and returns empty-string or empty-list, as appropriate.
devel/IO-All-0.86 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
IO::All combines all of the best Perl IO modules
IO::All - IO::All combines all of the best Perl IO modules IO::All combines all of the best Perl IO modules into a single Spiffy object oriented interface to greatly simplify your everyday Perl IO idioms. It exports a single function called io, which returns a new IO::All object. And that object can do it all!
devel/IO-Prompter-0.004014 (Score: 2.1584389E-4)
Prompt for input, read it, clean it, return it
IO::Prompter exports a single subroutine, prompt, that prints a prompt (but only if the program's selected input and output streams are connected to a terminal), then reads some input, then chomps it, and finally returns an object representing that text.