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Results 921930 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
games/xbat-1.11 (Score: 0.0063981013)
XEVIOUS like shooting game
This is the XEVIOUS (NAMCO(C)) like game. TYPE: xbat OPTION: -hs : high speed mode -dc : use default colormap -g : rapid fire -r : exchange keys[z][x] -h -help : print usage -mode [0-4] : set game level 0:easy, 1:normal, 2:difficult, 3:more difficult, 4:abnormal COMMAND: [s] for Start or Pause [q] for quit [c] for setup (at Title screen only) Cursor key or Number key to move. i, j, l, k, m also to move. [z] and [x] to shoot. Please e-mail the author (wai@nemoto.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp) with improvements or other comments about this game.
mail/tumgreyspf-1.38 (Score: 0.0063981013)
External policy checker for the postfix mail server
Tumgreyspf, an external policy checker for the postfix mail server. It can optionally greylist and/or use spfquery to check SPF records to determine if email should be accepted by your server. Because of its design, legitimate e-mail is never trapped or rejected. Only spam and viruses are caught. Since adding it to our mail server (which also uses Spam Assassin, ClamAV, and an outsourced anti-spam system), our spam level has dropped by an order of magnitude. It uses the file-system as its database, no additional database is required to use it.
net-mgmt/SNMP_Session-1.13 (Score: 0.0063981013)
Perl5 module providing rudimentary access to SNMPv1 and v2 agents
This archive contains Perl 5 modules SNMP_Session.pm and BER.pm, which, when used together, provide rudimentary access to remote SNMP (v1 and v2) agents. This module differs from existing SNMP packages in that it is completely stand-alone, i.e. you don't need to have another SNMP package such as CMU SNMP. It is also written entirely in Perl, so you don't have to compile any C modules. It uses the Perl 5 Socket.pm module and should therefore be very portable, even to non-Unix systems. The SNMP operations currently supported are "get", "get-next", "get-bulk" and "set", as well as trap generation and reception.
net/gupnp-0.20.18 (Score: 0.0063981013)
Framework for UPnP devices
GUPnP is an elegant, object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. It provides the same set of features as libupnp, but shields the developer from most of UPnP's internals. GUPnP implements the UPnP specification: resource announcement and discovery, description, control, event notification, and presentation (GUPnP includes basic web server functionality through libsoup). GUPnP does not include helpers for construction or control of specific standardized resources (e.g. MediaServer); this is left for higher level libraries utilizing the GUPnP framework.
security/bro-2.4.1 (Score: 0.0063981013)
System for detecting network intruders in real-time
Bro is an open-source, Unix-based Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) that passively monitors network traffic and looks for suspicious activity. Bro detects intrusions by first parsing network traffic to extract its application-level semantics and then executing event-oriented analyzers that compare the activity with patterns deemed troublesome. Its analysis includes detection of specific attacks (including those defined by signatures, but also those defined in terms of events) and unusual activities (e.g., certain hosts connecting to certain services, or patterns of failed connection attempts). Bro is documented in the USENIX 1998 Security Conference proceedings.
net/sbm-0.8 (Score: 0.006396033)
Simple bandwidth monitor
sbm is a simple bandwidth monitor. Besides the basic bandwith monitor it comes with two scripts. sbm-rt-plot can be used for realtime bandwidth graphs and sbm-plot can be used to generate static graphs for bandwith usage over a period of time.
print/color-1.7.1 (Score: 0.0063770236)
Provides colour space definition and manipulation
The capabilities of the Color library are limited to pure mathematical manipulation of the colours based on colour theory without reference to colour profiles (such as sRGB or Adobe RGB). For most purposes, when working with the RGB and HSL colours, this won't matter. However, some colour models (like CIE L*a*b*) are not supported because Color does not yet support colour profiles, giving no meaningful way to convert colours in absolute colour spaces (like L*a*b*, XYZ) to non-absolute colour spaces (like RGB).
devel/aap-1.094 (Score: 0.006341584)
Build tool alternative to make with internet access and CVS support
A-A-P is an Open Source build tool. It does everything that make does in a better way. Includes Internet access for uploading and downloading files. Integrated CVS support: obtain a module from a CVS server and check changes into a CVS server. Can be used to build programs, maintain web sites, distribute software, download and install an application, etc.
emulators/simh-3.9.0 (Score: 0.0063287434)
Emulates classic DEC, HP, GRI, IBM, Altair, SDS, Honeywell, and others
SIMH is a highly portable, multi-system simulator. SIMH implements simulators for: - Data General Nova, Eclipse - Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1, PDP-4, PDP-7, PDP-8, PDP-9, PDP-10, PDP-11, PDP-15, VAX - GRI Corporation GRI-909 - IBM 1401, 1620, 1130, System 3 - Interdata (Perkin-Elmer) 16b and 32b systems - Hewlett-Packard 2116, 2100, 21MX - Honeywell H316/H516 - MITS Altair 8800, with both 8080 and Z80 - Royal-Mcbee LGP-30, LGP-21 - Scientific Data Systems SDS 940 These simulators are capable of running the Unix V5, V6 and V7 binaries licenced for non-commercial use by SCO. See ${WRKDIR}/simh_doc.txt for further details.
devel/libs11n-1.2.10 (Score: 0.0062555214)
C++ library for easily serializing a wide variety of objects
s11n (an abbreviation for serialization) is an Open Source project focused on the generic serialization of objects (i.e., object persistence) in the C++ programming language. The project's flagship library, appropriately named libs11n, can easily serialize all manner of PODs (Plain Old Data types), most STL containers, and user-defined Serializable types. By taking advantage of relatively new, advanced C++ techniques s11n turns this formerly-difficult task into child's play. It supports literally hundreds of millions of combinations of standard containers out of the box. libs11n is 100% data-format agnostic, and currently includes support for many formats, including 3 XML flavours. (As far as i am aware, this exceeds support provided by any other serialization framework, regardless of the implementation language!)