Ports 搜索

net/samba36-3.6.25 (Score: 0.07643312)
Free SMB and CIFS client and server for Unix
The Samba suite is a set of programs which run under the FreeBSD operating system. These programs deliver most of the important functionality of a Microsoft Lan Manager server. That is, they support remote access to FreeBSD filespace and FreeBSD printers from Lan Manager compatible clients. In practical terms, this means that such clients can connect to and use FreeBSD filespace as if it was a local disk drive, or FreeBSD printers as if they were local printers. Some of the most popular Lan Manager compatible clients include Lan Manager itself, Windows for Workgroups, OS/2 and Windows NT.
net/network_interface-0.0.1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Get network interface information from Ruby
This gem was originally added to the Metasploit Pcaprub gem. It's been spun out into its own gem for anyone who might want to programmatically get information on their network interfaces.
net/oauth-0.5.1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Rubygem for Creating both OAuth Consumers and Service Providers
Rubygem-oauth is a RubyGem for implementing both OAuth clients and servers in Ruby applications.
net/oauth2-1.1.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol
OAuth2 is a Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 specification. This is a work in progress, being built first to solve the pragmatic process of connecting to existing OAuth 2.0 endpoints (a.k.a. Facebook) with the goal of building it up to meet the entire specification over time.
net/octokit-4.3.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Simple wrapper for the GitHub API
Simple wrapper for the GitHub API
net/octopress-deploy-1.3.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Eases deployment of Jekyll or Octopress sites
Easily deploy any Jekyll or Octopress site using S3, Git, or Rsync.
net/omniauth-auth0-1.4.1 (Score: 0.07643312)
Authentication broker supporting different identity providers
Auth0 is an authentication broker that supports social identity providers as well as enterprise identity providers such as Active Directory, LDAP, Google Apps, Salesforce. OmniAuth is a library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications. It was created to be powerful, flexible, and do as little as possible. omniauth-auth0 is the omniauth strategy for Auth0.
net/sip_scenario-1.2.7 (Score: 0.07643312)
SIP call flow creator (HTML format)
The SIP Scenario Generator creates SIP Call Flows or SIP scenario diagrams, in html format, of SIP messages from ethernet capture files. SIP Scenario Generator shows the actual call processing trace in a format that is easily understood using browser technology. Clicking on a sip message hyperlink displays the contents of the traced SIP message. The SIP Scenario Generator is a useful tool for SIP professionals, engineers, administrators, educators, etc.
net/omniauth-azure-oauth2-0.0.6 (Score: 0.07643312)
Azure OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
An Windows Azure Active Directory OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
net/omniauth-facebook-3.0.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth