Ports 搜索

devel/IO-LockedFile-0.23 (Score: 0.032514982)
IO::LockedFile - supply object methods for locking files
IO::LockedFile supplies object methods for locking files. In its simplistic use, the IO::LockedFile class gives us the same interface as the IO::File class with the unique difference that the files we deal with are locked using the Flock mechanism (using the flock function).
devel/Google-ProtocolBuffers-0.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple interface to Google Protocol Buffers
Google Protocol Buffers is a data serialization format. It is binary (and hence compact and fast for serialization) and as extendable as XML; its nearest analogues are Thrift and ASN.1. There are official mappings for C++, Java and Python languages; this library is a mapping for Perl.
devel/IO-Multiplex-1.13 (Score: 0.032514982)
IO::Multiplex - Manage IO on many file handles
IO::Multiplex is designed to take the effort out of managing multiple file handles. It is essentially a really fancy front end to the select system call. In addition to maintaining the select loop, it buffers all input and output to/from the file handles. It can also accept incoming connections on one or more listen sockets.
devel/IO-NestedCapture-1.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module for performing nested STD\* handle captures
With this module you can capture any combination of STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR. In the case of STDIN, you may feed any input into capture you want (or even set it to use another file handle). For STDOUT and STDERR you may review the full output of these or prior to capture set a file handle that will receive all the data during the capture.
devel/IO-Null-1.01 (Score: 0.032514982)
IO::Null - class for null filehandles
IO::Null ======== Calling a constructor of this class always succeeds, returning a new null filehandle. Writing to any object of this class is always a no- operation, and returns true. Reading from any object of this class is always nooperation, and returns empty-string or empty-list, as appropriate.
devel/Gtk2-Notify-0.05 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl interface to libnotify
Gtk2::Notify provides a Perl XS API to the The Desktop Notifications framework, which provides a standard way of doing passive pop-up notifications on the desktop.
devel/Gtk2-Spell-1.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl interface to the Gtk2Spell library
Perl bindings to the 2.x series of the GtkSpell graphical user interface library. This module allows you to write perl applications that utilize the GtkSpell library for mis-spelled word highlighting.
devel/HOP-Lexer-0.032 (Score: 0.032514982)
Higher Order Perl Lexer
Higher Order Perl Lexer
devel/HOP-Stream-0.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Higher Order Perl Streams
Higher Order Perl Streams
devel/Hash-AutoHash-Args-1.18 (Score: 0.032514982)
Object-oriented processing of keyword-based argument lists
This class simplifies the handling of keyword argument lists. It replaces Class::AutoClass::Args. See "DIFFERENCES FROM Class::AutoClass::Args" for a discussion of what's new. See Hash::AutoHash::Args::V0 for a subclass which is more compatible with the original.