Ports 搜索

www/heist- (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML
Heist is a powerful template system that supports both HTML5 and XML. Some of Heist's features are: * Designer-friendly HTML5 (or XML) syntax * Templates can be reloaded to make changes visible without recompiling your Haskell code * Enforces near-perfect separation of business logic and view * Powerful abstraction primitives allowing you to eliminate repetition * Easy creation of domain-specific markup languages * Built-in support for including JSON and Markdown content in templates * Simple mechanism for designer-specified template caching * Optional merging of multiple <head> tags defined anywhere in the document
www/mimetex-20120331.1.74 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
CGI script that lets you embed LaTeX math in your HTML pages
MimeTeX, licensed under the GPL, lets you easily embed LaTeX math in your html pages. It parses a LaTeX math expression and immediately emits the corresponding gif image, rather than the usual TeX dvi. And mimeTeX is an entirely separate little program that doesn't use TeX or its fonts in any way. It's just one cgi that you put in your site's cgi-bin/ directory, with no other dependencies. It's easy to use. Just place an html <img> tag in your document wherever you want to see the corresponding LaTeX expression.
www/neon-0.30.1 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
Neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems, with a C interface. Featuring: . High-level interface to HTTP and WebDAV methods (PUT, GET, HEAD etc) . Low-level interface to HTTP request handling, to allow implementing new methods easily. . HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 persistent connections . RFC2617 basic and digest authentication (including auth-int, md5-sess) . Proxy support (including basic/digest authentication) . Generic WebDAV 207 XML response handling mechanism . XML parsing using the expat or libxml parsers . Easy generation of error messages from 207 error responses . WebDAV resource manipulation: MOVE, COPY, DELETE, MKCOL . WebDAV metadata support: set and remove properties, query any set of properties (PROPPATCH/PROPFIND).
www/flexget-2.2.22 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Program to automate downloading from different sources
FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, etc. FlexGet is able to handle different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages and even csv files. There are even some plugins for sites that do not provide any kind of useful feeds. There are numerous plugins that allow utilizing FlexGet in interesting ways and more are being added continuously. FlexGet is extremely useful in conjunction with applications which have watch directory support. For example, it works with the following applications: - BitTorrent: rTorrent, uTorrent, Transmission and Deluge - Usenet: nzbget, sabnzb and hellanzb
Use any templating system in CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate allows you to use any supported Perl templating system using a single consistent interface. Currently supported templating systems include HTML::Template, HTML::Template::Expr, HTML::Template::Pluggable, Template::Toolkit and Petal. You can access any of these templating systems using the same interface. In this way, you can use the same code and switch templating systems on the fly. This approach has many uses. For instance, it can be useful in migrating your application from one templating system to another.
www/CGI-Framework-0.23 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Simple-to-use, lightweight web CGI framework
CGI::Framework is a simple and lightweight framework for building web-based CGI applications. It features complete code-content separation (templating) by utilizing the HTML::Template library, stateful file or database-based sessions by utilizing the CGI::Session library, form parsing by utilizing the CGI library, (optional) multi-lingual templates support, and an extremely easy to use methodology for the validation, pre-preparation and post-cleanup associated with each template. It also provides easy logging mechanisms, graceful fatal error handling, including special templates and emails to admins.
www/CGI-4.31 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
This is the continuance of the classic perl CGI module, bundled with Perl until Perl 5.22. Development is continuing on p5-CGI and components of it are actively splitting to other modules. The older, everything-in-one-package module is still available in www/p5-CGI.pm. See also: https://metacpan.org/pod/CGI::Alternatives CGI.pm is a stable, complete and mature solution for processing and preparing HTTP requests and responses. Major features including processing form submissions, file uploads, reading and writing cookies, query string generation and manipulation, and processing and preparing HTTP headers. Some HTML generation utilities are included as well.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.33 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Make serving static pages painless
The Static::Simple plugin is designed to make serving static content in your application during development quick and easy, without requiring a single line of code from you. This plugin detects static files by looking at the file extension in URL (such as .css or .png or .js). The plugin uses the lightweight MIME::Types module to map file extensions to IANA-registered MIME types, and will serve your static files with the correct MIME type directly to the browser, without being processed through Catalyst.
www/FCGI-Spawn-0.16.7 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
FastCGI server for CGI-like applications multiprocessing
FCGI::Spawn is used to serve as a FastCGI process manager. Besides the features the FCGI::ProcManager posess itself, the FCGI::Spawn is targeted as web server admin understandable instance for building the own fastcgi server with copy-on-write memory sharing among forks and with single input parameters like socket path and processes number. Another thing to mention is that it is able to execute any file pointed by Web server. So we have the daemon that is hot ready for hosting providing.
www/Template-Alloy-1.020 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Mixing of all of the major template systems
Template::Alloy represents the mixing of features and capabilities from all of the major mini-language based template systems (support for non-mini-language based systems will happen eventually). With Template::Alloy you can use your favorite template interface and syntax and get features from each of the other major template systems. And Template::Alloy is fast - whether your using mod_perl, cgi, or running from the commandline. There is even Template::Alloy::XS for getting a little more speed when that is necessary.