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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第17,36117,370项(搜索用时0.011秒)
devel/Class-Multimethods-Pure-0.13 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Method-ordered multimethod dispatch
You can define multimethods with the "multi" declarator: use Class::Multimethods::Pure; multi collide => ('Bullet', 'Ship') => sub { my ($a, $b) = @_; ... }; multi collide => ('Ship', 'Asteroid') => sub { my ($a, $b) = @_; ... }; It is usually wise to put such declarations within a BEGIN block, so they behave more like Perl treats subs (you can call them without parentheses and you can use them before you define them).
devel/Class-Data-ConfigHash-0.00002 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Add Catalyst-Style Config To Your Class
Add Catalyst-Style Config To Your Class
devel/Class-Load-XS-0.09 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
Class::Load::XS provides an XS implementation for portions of Class::Load. See Class::Load for API details.
Perl extension to provide Moose-like method modifiers
Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast provides three modifiers: before, around, and after. before and after are run just before and after the method they modify, but can not really affect that original method. around is run in place of the original method, with a hook to easily call that original method. See the MODIFIERS section for more details on how the particular modifiers work.
devel/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.12 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Provides Moose-like method modifiers
Method modifiers are a powerful feature from the CLOS (Common Lisp Object System) world. In its most basic form, a method modifier is just a method that calls $self->SUPER::foo(@_). I for one have trouble remembering that exact invocation, so my classes seldom re-dispatch to their base classes. Very bad! Class::Method::Modifiers provides three modifiers: before, around, and after. before and after are run just before and after the method they modify, but can not really affect that original method. around is run in place of the original method, with a hook to easily call that original method. One clear benefit of using Class::Method::Modifiers is that you can define multiple modifiers in a single namespace. These separate modifiers don't need to know about each other. This makes top-down design easy. Have a base class that provides the skeleton methods of each operation, and have plugins modify those methods to flesh out the specifics. In short, Class::Method::Modifiers solves the problem of making sure you call $self->SUPER::foo(@_), and provides a cleaner interface for it.
devel/Class-ObjectTemplate-DB-0.27 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Optimized template builder base class with lookup capability
Class::ObjectTemplate::DB extends Class::ObjectTemplate in one simple way: the undefined() method. The author finds this useful when representing classes based on objects stored in databases (hence the name of the module). That way an object can be created, without triggering a DB lookup. Later if data is accessed and it is not currently present in the object, it can be retrieved on an as-need basis.
devel/Class-STL-Containers-0.35 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Perl extension for STL-like object management
This package provides a framework for rapid Object Oriented Perl application development. It consists of a number of base classes that are similar to the C++/STL framework, plus a number of helper classes which provide the glue to transparently generate common functions, and will enable you to put your Perl application together very quickly.
devel/Class-Std-Fast-0.0.8 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Faster but less secure than Class::Std
This module provides a faster but less secure version of Class::Std.
devel/Class-Std-Utils-0.0.3 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objects
This module provides three utility subroutines that simplify the creation of "inside-out" classes. See Chapters 15 and 16 of "Perl Best Practices" (O'Reilly, 2005) for details.
devel/Config-INI-Simple-0.02 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Simple reading and writing from an INI file
Config::INI::Simple is for very simplistic reading and writing of INI files. A new object must be created for each INI file (an object keeps all the data read in from an INI which is used on the write method to write to the INI). It also keeps all your comments and original order intact.