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Results 8,1118,120 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.012 seconds)
math/statsmodels-0.6.1 (Score: 1.4423944E-4)
Complement to SciPy for statistical computations
Statsmodels is a Python package that provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations including descriptive statistics and estimation and inference for statistical models. Main Features: * linear regression models: GLS (including WLS and LS aith AR errors) and OLS. * glm: Generalized linear models with support for all of the one-parameter exponential family distributions. * discrete: regression with discrete dependent variables, including Logit, Probit, MNLogit, Poisson, based on maximum likelihood estimators * rlm: Robust linear models with support for several M-estimators. * tsa: models for time series analysis - univariate: AR, ARIMA; multivariate: VAR and structural VAR * nonparametric: (Univariate) kernel density estimators * datasets: Datasets to be distributed and used for examples and in testing. * stats: a wide range of statistical tests, diagnostics and specification tests * iolib: Tools for reading Stata .dta files into numpy arrays, printing table output to ascii, latex, and html * miscellaneous models * sandbox: statsmodels contains a sandbox folder with code in various stages of * developement and testing which is not considered "production ready", including Mixed models, GARCH and GMM estimators, kernel regression, panel data models.
net/seda-3.0 (Score: 1.4423944E-4)
Architecture for Highly Concurrent Server Applications
[ excerpt from developer's web site with modifications ] The goal is to build a system capable of supporting massive concurrency (on the order of tens of thousands of simultaneous client connections) and avoid the pitfalls which arise with traditional thread and event-based approaches. SEDA is an acronym for staged event-driven architecture, and decomposes a complex, event-driven application into a set of stages connected by queues. This design avoids the high overhead associated with thread-based concurrency models, and decouples event and thread scheduling from application logic. By performing admission control on each event queue, the service can be well-conditioned to load, preventing resources from being overcommitted when demand exceeds service capacity. SEDA employs dynamic control to automatically tune runtime parameters (such as the scheduling parameters of each stage), as well as to manage load, for example, by performing adaptive load shedding. Decomposing services into a set of stages also enables modularity and code reuse, as well as the development of debugging tools for complex event-driven applications.
news/knews-1.0b.1 (Score: 1.4423944E-4)
Threaded nntp newsreader for X
Knews is a threaded newsreader with an X Window interface that uses NNTP to get news. Threads are displayed in a graphical tree. Full support for reading MIME articles, except message/partial. o Background threading of newsgroups o Doesn't have to read the active file or group descriptions on startup o A mechansim for reading the spool directory o Kill file support with color blobs o Regular expression searching in articles and the newsgroup list o XPAT searching o Can use different fonts and colors for quoted text and headers in articles o Lots of action procedures that can be tied to keys. o Supports multiple nntp servers o Tagging of articles and saving or piping them in order o Uudecode function. Not perfect, but handles most cases o article text widget is able to display wide-character fonts o article tree has a 'vertical' layout by popular demand o experimental: Decoding of 16 bit encoded charsets o Mailcap file support o save thread data between sessions o article prefetch cache and 'trailing' cache o Less restrictive locking of the interface o Message-id lookup of articles LICENSE: GLP2 or later
security/Digest-DMAC-1.1.4 (Score: 1.4423944E-4)
Perl5 interface to DMAC Double Message-Digest Algorithms
This is Encrypted MAC (EMAC), formerly known as Double MAC (DMAC). Unlike HMAC, which reuses an existing one-way hash function, such as MD5, SHA-1 or RIPEMD-160, EMAC reuses an existing block cipher to produce a secure message authentication code (MAC). Using the block cipher, a message is encrypted in CBC mode. The last block is taken as the MAC of the message. For fixed-length messages, this method is provably secure. In reality, however, messages have arbitrary lengths, and this method is not secure. To make secure MACs for variable length messages, the last block is encrypted once again with a different key. The security of this construction has been proved in the paper, ``CBC MAC for Real-Time Data Sources'' by Erez Petrank and Charles Rackoff. The security can be proved on the assumption that the underlying block cipher is pseudo-random. The performance and key-agility of EMAC are reasonable. EMAC is preferable for short messages because the block length is smaller compared to the schemes based on a hash function. EMAC is also chosen as one of the NESSIE winners for Message Authentication Codes, along with UMAC, TTMAC and HMAC. The current NESSIE specification chooses the AES as block cipher.
security/Digest-EMAC-1.2 (Score: 1.4423944E-4)
Perl5 interface to EMAC Double Message-Digest Algorithms
This is Encrypted MAC (EMAC), formerly known as Double MAC (DMAC). Unlike HMAC, which reuses an existing one-way hash function, such as MD5, SHA-1 or RIPEMD-160, EMAC reuses an existing block cipher to produce a secure message authentication code (MAC). Using the block cipher, a message is encrypted in CBC mode. The last block is taken as the MAC of the message. For fixed-length messages, this method is provably secure. In reality, however, messages have arbitrary lengths, and this method is not secure. To make secure MACs for variable length messages, the last block is encrypted once again with a different key. The security of this construction has been proved in the paper, ``CBC MAC for Real-Time Data Sources'' by Erez Petrank and Charles Rackoff. The security can be proved on the assumption that the underlying block cipher is pseudo-random. The performance and key-agility of EMAC are reasonable. EMAC is preferable for short messages because the block length is smaller compared to the schemes based on a hash function. EMAC is also chosen as one of the NESSIE winners for Message Authentication Codes, along with UMAC, TTMAC and HMAC. The current NESSIE specification chooses the AES as block cipher.
sysutils/samesame-1.10 (Score: 1.4423944E-4)
Find duplicate files and optionally link them together
SameSame is a collection of tools that fall in to the category of file management software. These tools will prevent that you need to delete files or buy more disk space. Instead they solve low disk space problems by linking identical files together and thus free up waisted disk space. This collection was inspired by the application samefile written by Jens Schweikhardt. The collection comes with its own version of samefile that is noticeable faster and is able to process a much larger file list. This port containt two set of application: the first are duplicate files finder search for identical files and the second are duplicate file removers perform some kind of action based on those results. Typical usage would be: find / | samefile -i | sameln This would search for identical files and clean up wasted disk space by linking them together. If you prefer removing one of the identical file, then you should replace sameln with samerm. You can add the option -vn after both application for a verbose dry-run. Please see the man page samesame for a introduction to all applications.
Override REST methods to Plack apps via POST
Writing RESTful apps is a good thing, but if you're also trying to support web browsers, you're probably going to need some hackish workarounds. This module provides one such workaround for your Plack applications. Specifically, you can also use a header named X-HTTP-Method-Override (as used by Google for its APIs) override the POST request method. Or you can add a parameter named x-tunneled-method to your form action's query. Either way, the overriding works only via POST requests, not GET. If either of these attributes are available in a POST request, the REQUEST_METHOD key of the Plack environment hash will be replaced with its value. This allows your apps to override any HTTP method over POST. If your application needs to know that such overriding has taken place, the original method is stored under the plack.original_request_method key in the Plack environment hash. The list of methods you can specify are: GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE and CONNECT.
deskutils/x026-1.2 (Score: 1.3826741E-4)
IBM 026 Keypunch Emulator for the X Window System
IBM 026 Keypunch Emulator for the X Window System. * Requires slow, deliberate typing or input will be lost (typeahead can be enabled if you insist) * Overpunches available by backspacing or holding down Alt or Meta * Tab set for FORTRAN * Automatic sequence numbers in columns 73-80 (can be disabled) * Paste X11 selection with middle mouse button * Can save deck in file, either in ASCII or in Douglas Jones's standard format * Can select from several card and keypunch types
games/freecol-0.11.6 (Score: 1.3826741E-4)
Open source version of Colonization
The FreeCol team aims to create an Open Source version of Colonization (released under the GPL). At first we'll try to make an exact clone of Colonization. The visuals will be brought up to date with more recent standards but will remain clean, simple and functional. Certain new 'features' will be implemented but the gameplay and the rules will be exactly the same as the original game. Examples of modern features are: an isometric map and multiplayer support.
audio/flake-0.11 (Score: 1.371379E-4)
FLAC audio encoder
The Flake encoder project was started as a way for the author to learn more about lossless audio encoding. The author chose the FLAC format because it is open and well-documented. Although the FLAC reference encoder is also free and open-source, the author's goal was to implement the standard from scratch as an independent project. Flake is licensed under the GNU LGPL. Once Flake progressed to a usable state, the author submitted the encoder to be included as part of FFmpeg. It was included and improved upon by other FFmpeg developers. Since then, Ithe author has added more features to Flake and improved the encoding speed. The author plan to add some of these features into FFmpeg as the encoder progresses. There are both benefits and drawbacks to using Flake as a FLAC encoder alternative. In its current state, Flake gives, on average, slightly better compression than the FLAC reference encoder and is about twice as fast. However, it does not currently implement all the advanced features such as tagging, cuesheets, 24-bit audio, embedded pictures, and ogg encapsulation. The author hopes to add these to Flake in future releases.