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devel/Task-Weaken-1.04 (Score: 0.0021081395)
Ensure that a platform has weaken support
One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant. While this isn't necessarily always a problem in a straight CPAN-based Perl environment, some operating system distributions only include the pure-Perl versions, don't include the XS version, and so weaken is then "missing" from the platform, despite passing a dependency on Scalar::Util successfully. Most notably this is RedHat Linux at time of writing, but other come and go and do the same thing, hence "recurring problem". The normal solution is to manually write tests in each distribution to ensure that weaken is available. This restores the functionality testing to a dependency you do once in your Makefile.PL, rather than something you have to write extra tests for each time you write a module. It should also help make the package auto-generators for the various operating systems play more nicely, because it introduces a dependency that they have to have a proper weaken in order to work.
databases/mysqlbackup-2.8 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Creates MySQL backups on a periodic basis
mysqlbackup: create MySQL-database servers backup easy Why mysqlbackup? 1. Requires minimum coding to create everyday MySQL-backups with some additional functions. 2. Backups can be compressed on-the-fly and automatically rotated after specified number of a days past. 3. "Slave mode" feature - stop slave, save it's status and then create backup. Start slave afterwards. 4. Includes basic database maintenance: check, optimize tables before backup creation. 5. It can be safely used on a large MySQL installations (1000+ databases). 6. It is written in sh - code interpreter available in a base system.
devel/editline-1.15.2 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Minix editline: A free readline() for UNIX
This is a line editing library. It can be linked into almost any program to provide command-line editing and history. It is call-compatible with the FSF readline library, but is a fraction of the size (and offers fewer features). The editline library was created by Simmule Turner and Rich Salz back in 1992. At the time they chose to distribute the code under a "C News-like" copyright, see the file LICENSE for details. The small size (<30k), lack of dependencies (no ncurses needed!) and the free license should make this library interesting to many embedded developers
devel/File-Pid-Quick-1.02 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Associates a PID file with your script
This module associates a PID file with your script for the purpose of keeping more than one copy from running (concurrency prevention). It creates the PID file, checks for its existence when the script is run, terminates the script if there is already an instance running, and removes the PID file when the script finishes. This module's objective is to provide a completely simplified interface that makes adding PID-file-based concurrency prevention to your script as quick and simple as possible; hence File::Pid::Quick. For a more nuanced implementation of PID files, please see File::Pid.
graphics/tumble-0.33 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Creates a PDF file from image files
Tumble is a utility to construct PDF files from one or more image files. Supported input image file formats are JPEG, and black and white TIFF (single- or multi-page). Black and white images will be encoded in the PDF output using lossless Group 4 fax compression (ITU-T recommendation T.6). This provides a very good compression ratio for text and line art. JPEG images will be preserved with the original coding. The current version of Tumble will only work on little-endian systems, such as x86, VAX, and Alpha. The byte order dependencies will be fixed in a later release.
net/spread4-4.2.0 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Spread Group Communication System, a network toolkit
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Spread Concepts LLC. All rights reserved. This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread see http://www.spread.org/ Spread is a toolkit and daemon that provide multicast and group communications support to applications across local and wide area networks. Spread is designed to make it easy to write groupware, networked multimedia, reliable server, and collaborative work applications. Spread consists of a library that user applications are linked with, a binary daemon which runs on each computer that is part of the processor group, and various utility and demonstration programs.
security/sks-1.1.5 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Synchronizing Key Server, a fast OpenPGP keyserver
SKS OpenPGP Key Server SKS is a new OpenPGP keyserver whose goal is to provide easy to deploy, decentralized, and highly reliable synchronization. That means that a key submitted to one SKS server will quickly be distributed to all key servers; and even wildly out-of-date servers, or servers that experience spotty connectivity, can fully synchronize with rest of the system. Refer to the online references for pointers on downloading a full copy of the public PGP databse (about 2Gb) and on tweaking the your configuration. http://www.keysigning.org/sks/ may help you getting started.
www/linkcheck-1.4 (Score: 0.0021059276)
Checks a web site for bad links
LinkCheck is a free software package that checks a web site for bad links. Features Understands HTML 3.0 Understands Frames Understands JavaScript Fast and lean, written in C. Source code is free Can check a whole web site Can be restricted to subdirectory checks Estimates download times for each page and flags slow pages Validates and reports temporarily moved pages and checks the new location Reports server types Reports html files last modification time Validates mailto hrefs for valid DNS MX record on the internet Validates ftp/file hrefs by getting actual file via ftp protocol Reports news:, telnet:, wais:, gopher, powwow: urls Automatically walks the entire web site tree
net/daemonlogger-1.2.1 (Score: 0.002103809)
Packet sniffer capable of running as a daemon and as a software tap
A packet sniffer designed to run as a daemon with automatic log rotation. It will also act as a software tap injecting packets onto a second interface if configured as such.
archivers/deb2targz-20100710 (Score: 0.0021014777)
Command-line utility for converting a Debian .deb file to a .tar.gz
deb2targz is a very small shell script for converting Debian Linux .deb packages to a .tar.gz.