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Results 1,7611,770 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.006 seconds)
irc/ircd-ratbox-3.0.7 (Score: 0.0058220252)
Advanced, stable IRC daemon, used widely on EFnet ('testing' release)
This is a port of the ircd-ratbox IRC daemon. This version is the 'testing' branch; it usually contains more features, but may contain as of yet unidentified bugs. Admins wishing to try out new features or test the development release may prefer to use it over the standard production release. ircd-ratbox is the primary ircd used on EFnet; it combines the stability of an ircd required for a large production network together with a rich set of features, making it also suitable for use on smaller networks. Changes Include: o Optional SSL support to enable encrypted connections between clients and servers, as well as server to server links. o Add support for SSL only channels, channel mode +S. o sqlite3 for handling and storing k/x/d lines. o Support for global CIDR limits. o Added adminwall allowing admins to broadcast messages to each other. o Creation of new library archive 'libratbox'. o Support for forced nick changes (instead of collision kills). o New ssld and bandb processes for SSL connections and ban checking; these allow ratbox-3 to make better use of multi-processor systems.
www/g-cows-1.12 (Score: 0.0058220252)
Scripting language for creation of web sites
This is a port of G-Cows, a software project consisting in: - definition of a scripting language designed for creation of web sites (Cows); - interpreter for the scripting language (cows); - a makefile generator (cows-mkgen). Cows is a scripting language whose main goal is to make the creation and updating of a web site faster, more flexible and less prone to errors without relying on server-side technologies. Cows allows to use your Unix background and your favorite tools while creating a site: you can traverse the whole directory tree with `find', extract informations with `grep', build complex pipelines, include external scripts and programs written in every language whose interpreter or compiler is installed on your system. Even if you use server side technology, you can still appreciate Cows for every task not relying on dynamic change of your site's contents mixing Cows, PHP, custom Apache modules, application servers etc. Cows gives the best results when used in conjunction with the Make utility, available on all Unix systems.
comms/SMS-Send-TW-ShareSMS-0.02 (Score: 0.0058018705)
SMS::Send driver for www.ShareSMS.com
SMS::Send::TW::ShareSMS is a SMS::Send driver which allows you to send messages through http://www.sharesms.com/
comms/SMS-Send-TW-emome-0.04 (Score: 0.0058018705)
SMS::Send driver for www.emome.net
SMS::Send::TW::emome is a SMS::Send driver which allows you to send messages through http://www.emome.net/
graphics/RColorBrewer-1.1.2 (Score: 0.0058018705)
ColorBrewer palettes
Provides color schemes for maps (and other graphics) designed by Cynthia Brewer as described at http://colorbrewer2.org
Video Disk Recorder - infosat EPG plugin
http://vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Infosatepg-plugin This plugin reads infosat EPG data from DVB-S.
textproc/XML-XUpdate-LibXML-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0058018705)
Simple implementation of XUpdate format based on and XML::LibXML
Simple implementation of XUpdate format (http://www.xmldb.org/xupdate/). The implementation is based on XML::LibXML DOM API.
www/WebService-Google-Sets-0.03 (Score: 0.0058018705)
Perl access to Google Labs Sets site
WebService::Google::Sets provides function-based access to the Sets service hosted at Google Labs, http://labs.google.com/sets .
www/xhtml-ruby-support-3.0.2009060901 (Score: 0.0057503013)
Adds XHTML Ruby support
Adds XHTML Ruby support. Ruby texts will be rendered above the base texts, as a small text. This supports both simple ruby and complex ruby of W3C spec. Testcases: * http://www.w3.org/International/tests/sec-ruby-markup-1 * http://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000035/files/1567_14913.html * http://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp/sikumi/pipo/music/music.htm
archivers/warctools-4.9.0 (Score: 0.005746151)
Tools for debugging ISO28500/WARC files
Command line tools and libraries for handling and manipulating ISO 28500 WARC files and their HTTP contents.