fcitx-table-extra provides Boshiamy, Zhengma, Cangjie, and Quick input
methods driven by the fcitx-table IM engine.
fcitx-ui-light is a very light weight UI for Fcitx, only using Xpm
and Xft, like go back to 3.6.x times.
Distfile Size: ~60kb
- statue (statue@freebsd.sinica.edu.tw)
A command line tool to do EN <-> CH translation, utilized by Yahoo! Dictionary.
国标码(GB)文件。GB(国标)是指中国大陆的“GB2312-80”的标准实现,用两个字节代表一个 GB 码,
-- David O'Brien
FQTerm is a cross-platform terminal emulator program which supports
telnet/ssh1/ssh2 protocols and can process ANSI control sequences. It
can be used to login BBS sites or *NIX hosts.
jis2gb 转换 JISX0208-1983 和 JISX0212-1990 汉字为 GB2312-80 和 GB8565-88 汉字。
JISX0208-1983(^[$B), JISX0208-1990 (^[&@^[$B), JISX0212-1990 (^[$(D),
JISC6226-1978 (^[$@), and Japanese-EUC are available for
Kanji code.
Maintainer: Zhang Shu <jo-c@is.aist-nara.ac.jp>
Localized messages and documentation for libreoffice