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Results 201210 of 537 for /java/.(0.1 seconds)
databases/jrobin-1.5.14 (Score: 0.084746875)
Pure Java alternative to RRDTool
JRobin is a 100% pure java implementation of RRDTool's functionality. It follows the same logic and uses the same data sources, archive types and definitions as RRDTool does. JRobin supports all standard operations on Round Robin Database (RRD) files: CREATE, UPDATE, FETCH, LAST, DUMP, XPORT and GRAPH. JRobin's API is made for those who are familiar with RRDTool's concepts and logic, but prefer to work with pure java. If you provide the same data to RRDTool and JRobin, you will get exactly the same results and graphs. JRobin is made from the scratch and it uses very limited portions of RRDTool's original source code. JRobin does not use native functions and libraries, has no Runtime.exec() calls and does not require RRDTool to be present. JRobin is distributed as a software library (jar files) and comes with full java source code (LGPL licence).
archivers/jzlib-1.1.1 (Score: 0.084484085)
Reimplementation of zlib in pure Java
[ excerpt from developer's web site ] JZlib is a re-implementation of zlib in pure Java. The first and final aim for hacking this stuff is to add the packet compression support to pure Java SSH systems. - Why JZlib? Java Platform API provides packages 'java.util.zip.*' for accessing to zlib, but that support is very limited if you need to use the essence of zlib. For example, we needed to full access to zlib to add the packet compression support to pure Java SSH system, but they are useless for our requirements. The Internet draft SSH Transport Layer Protocol says in the section '4.2 Compression' as follows,
www/tomcat-8.0.36 (Score: 0.08366004)
Open-source Java web server by Apache, 8.x branch
Apache Tomcat is a web server written in 100% Pure Java. Apache Tomcat version 8.0 implements the Servlet 3.1, JavaServer Pages 2.3, Java Unified Expression Language 3.0 and Java WebSocket 1.0 specifications from the Java Community Process, and includes many additional features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and web services. Tomcat 8 is aligned with Java EE 7.
net-p2p/vuze- (Score: 0.08344209)
BitTorrent client written in Java
Vuze is a java bittorrent client. Vuze (formerly Azureus) offers multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems (on torrents and files), start/stop seeding options and instant access to numerous pieces of information about your torrents. Azureus now features an embedded tracker easily setup and ready to use.
textproc/weka-3.8.0 (Score: 0.08344209)
Data Mining Software in Java
Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes.
textproc/xp-0.5 (Score: 0.08344209)
XML parser written in Java
From the XP homepage: XP is an XML 1.0 parser written in Java. It is fully conforming: it detects all non well-formed documents. XP has the following design goals: Conformance and correctness, high performance and a layered structure. It is currently non-validating but can parse all external entities. For more details, please see the XP homepage:
security/xml-security-1.5.5 (Score: 0.08193076)
Java library for XML Signature and Encryption
The Apache-XML-Security-J supports XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002 and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002. The Java library supports the standard Java API JSR-105: XML Digital Signature APIs for creating and validating XML Signatures. A standard Java API for XML Encryption JSR-106: XML Digital Encryption APIs is in progress and is not final, so this API is not yet supported.
lang/rhino-1.7.r4 (Score: 0.08168501)
Implementation of JavaScript written in Java
Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users. Rhino is an implementation of the core language only and doesn't contain objects or methods for manipulating HTML documents. Rhino contains * All the features of JavaScript 1.6 * Allows direct scripting of Java * A JavaScript shell for executing JavaScript scripts * A JavaScript compiler to transform JavaScript source files into Java class files * A JavaScript debugger for scripts executed with Rhino
math/truthtable-1.2.2 (Score: 0.08168501)
Truth Tables generator (written in Java)
TruthTable is a truth table generator that does the dirty work for you. This Java program handles the following operations: Not, And, Or, XOR, Implication, and the Biconditional.
textproc/xmlenc-0.52 (Score: 0.08168501)
Light-weight XML encoding library for Java
Light-weight XML encoding library for Java. It fills the gap between a light-weight parser like SAX, and a heavy-weight XML output library, like JDOM.