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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,0911,100项(搜索用时0.007秒)
devel/hgreviewboard-1.0 (Score: 0.011212478)
Mercurial reviewboard extension
reviewboard extension for mercurial This extension adds a new command 'postreview' to post changesets for review to a reviewboard server.
java/jboss71-7.1.3 (Score: 0.011212478)
JBoss 7.1.3.Final
JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management OSGi And of course Java EE!
java/jboss72-7.2.0 (Score: 0.011212478)
JBoss 7.2.0.Final
JBoss Application Server Fast Startup Small Footprint Modular Design Unified Configuration and Management OSGi And of course Java EE!
mail/imap-2007f (Score: 0.011212478)
University of Washington IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail servers
This is the IMAP4rev1 server from the University of Washington. Included are (almost) backwards-compatible POP2 and POP3 servers.
devel/twisted-15.5.0 (Score: 0.011145018)
Asynchronous networking framework written in Python
From the README: Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted is based on an unconventional and somewhat Twisted design philosophy.
devel/twisted-15.2.1 (Score: 0.011145018)
Metaport of Twisted, an event-driven networking engine
From the README: Twisted is an event-based framework for Internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Twisted is based on an unconventional and somewhat Twisted design philosophy.
textproc/dictfmt-1.12.1 (Score: 0.011119704)
Formats a DICT protocol dictionary database
The Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. RFC 2229 describes the DICT client/server protocol. dictfmt converts databases in various formats into working databases and indices for the DICT server.
www/phproxy-0.5b2 (Score: 0.011024015)
PHP based web proxy
PHProxy is a web HTTP (for now; FTP is not supprted yet) proxy programmed in PHP designed to bypass firewalls and other proxy restrictions through a web interface very similar to the popular CGIProxy. The server that this script runs on simply acts as a medium that retrives resources for you. The only IP address shown will be the server's IP address. So basically, it is indirect browsing. The only catch being that the server has to has access to those otherwise inaccessible resources.
devel/p4api-2016.1.1429894 (Score: 0.010994716)
Perforce API (static libraries and header files)
The Perforce Client API is a simple beast which packages up the command invocation, sends it to the server, and then acts on instructions from the server to carry out the actual command.
devel/CPAN-Site-1.11 (Score: 0.010994716)
Extend CPAN with private packages
The cpansite script is used to create your own CPAN server. The logic is implemented in CPAN::Site::Index which you may use directly. You only need to install this module on one server in your network.