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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第13,70113,710项(搜索用时0.01秒)
japanese/ipamjm-00301 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
IPAmj Mincho Japanese fonts
Japanese TrueType fonts distributed by Infomation-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Japan. IPAmj Mincho is a font set which covers the entire range of Kanji characters used in names of Japanese people.
japanese/kappa20-0.396 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
20-dot Kanji font Kappa20
Japanese 20 dot fonts(`Kappa20dot'). You can use: k20[mb] mincho/gothic (JIS X 0208) ('m' for medium mincho, 'b' for bold mincho) 10x20[mb] ascii (ISO-8859-1(Latin 1)) 10x20rk[mb] kana (JIS X 0201) 10x20L[239][mb] ISO 8859-[239] (Latin [239]) ipa-10x20[mb] Mule IPA fonts vk20[mb] k20[mb] modified for vertical writings Italic(slanted) fonts are available with 'i' postfix. An example usage: % kterm -fn a20m -fb a20b -fr r10m -frb a20b -fk k20m -fkb k20b -lsp 3 or in your Xresources file: KTerm*VT100*fontList: -kappa-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-* KTerm*VT100*boldFontList: -kappa-fixed-bold-r-normal--20-*
japanese/kochi-20030809 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Kochi Japanese TrueType font
Free Japanese TrueType fonts named 'Kochi Mincho' and 'Kochi Gothic'.
japanese/migmix-1.0.20130617 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Mixed Japanese font with IPA Gothic and M-plus outline
This package includes a mixed font consisting of Japanese TrueType fonts distributed by Infomation-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Japan and M+ outline font.
japanese/migu-1.0.20130617 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Another Japanese font set based on MigMix
This is a Japanese TrueType font based on MigMix Japanese font.
japanese/mona-ipa-1.0.8 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
IPA Japanese TrueType fonts with Mona font
Japanese TrueType fonts distributed by Infomation-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Japan. Included Mona font is for rendering ASCII arts which assume character width in MS Mincho/Gothic font series.
japanese/mplus-ipa-1.0.20060520.p1 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Mixed Japanese font with IPA, M-plus outline, and Bitstream Vera
This package includes a mixed font consisting of an old version of Japanese TrueType fonts distributed by Infomation-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Japan, M+ outline font, and Bitstream Vera Sans Mono font.
japanese/jargon-fpw-2.0 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
The famous jargon file (EPWING V1 format)
This is the Jargon File, a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor. Furthermore it is a dictionary converted from the original one into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So it can be used by EPWING viewer on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). URL for this converted dictionary is
japanese/nasu-20141215 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Nasu Japanese TrueType fonts
NasuFont is a free Japanese TrueType fonts
japanese/rounded-mgenplus-20150602 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Rounded Mgen+ Japanese TrueType fonts
Rounded Mgen+ Japanese TrueType fonts