Ports Search

Results 1,8111,820 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.014 seconds)
www/libmicrohttpd-0.9.37 (Score: 0.0011947327)
C library for embedding HTTP server functionality
libmicrohttpd is a small C library for embedding HTTP server functionality into other applications. It is reentrant, fast, supports HTTP 1.1, and permits listening on multiple ports. The API is simple and still powerful enough to allow programmers to use the entire HTTP feature set.
devel/libmpsse-1.3 (Score: 0.0011911748)
Open source library for SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips
Open source library for SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips Libmpsse is a library for interfacing with SPI/I2C devices via FTDI's FT-2232 family of USB chips. Based around the libftdi library.
security/asignify-1.0 (Score: 0.001190418)
Yet another signify tool
Asignify tool is heavily inspired by signify used in OpenBSD. However, the main goal of this project is to define high level API for signing files, validating signatures and encrypting using public keys cryptography. Asignify is designed to be portable and self-contained with zero external dependencies. It uses blake2b as the hash function and ed25519 implementation from tweetnacl. Key features: - Zero dependencies (libc and C compiler are likely required though), so it could be easily used in embedded systems. - Modern cryptography primitives (ed25519, blake2 and sha512 namely). - Ability to encrypt files with the same keys using curve25519 based cryptobox. - Protecting secret keys by passwords using PBKDF2-BLAKE2 routine. - Asignify can convert ssh ed25519 private keys to the native format and verify signatures using just ssh ed25519 public keys (without intermediate conversions). - Asignify provides high level API for application developers for signing, verifying, encrypting and keys generation. - All keys, signatures and encrypted files contain version information allowing to change cryptographical primitives in the future without loosing of backward compatibility.
devel/libclc- (Score: 0.001188965)
Required library functions for OpenCL C programming language
libclc is an open source, BSD licensed implementation of the library requirements of the OpenCL C programming language, as specified by the OpenCL 1.1 Specification. The following sections of the specification impose library requirements: Libclc is intended to be used with the Clang compiler's OpenCL frontend
textproc/sdom-0.5.1 (Score: 0.001188965)
Implementation of the W3C DOM recommendation in Scheme
SDOM is an implementation of the W3C DOM recommendation (Level 3), including support for event handling, in the Scheme programming language. SDOM builds upon the work of Oleg Kiselyov's SXML project and aims to be fully compatible with the SXML API.
devel/hp48cc-1.3 (Score: 0.00118808)
C-like compiler that translates input code to the HP48 RPL language
hp48cc is a C-like compiler that translates the input code into the HP48 RPL language. The language recognized by the compiler is only a small subset of the C language, with some non-standard extensions, but powerful enough to write complex programs simply. Note that GCC-based `devel/hp48xgcc' port exists which directly translates C code into Saturn (HP48 processor) opcodes.
games/torcs-1.3.6 (Score: 0.0011872589)
The Open Racing Car Simulator
TORCS is a car simulator, and also a racing robots game. It requires a 3D accelerated card, with OpenGL support. For the player driver, the car parameters are located in the files: torcs/runtime/drivers/human/car*.xml depending on the car used. During the menus or the game hit the F1 key to get help.
textproc/sdf-2.001 (Score: 0.0011872589)
Simple Document Format - "author-friendly" mark-up system
SDF is a freely available documentation system designed and developed by Ian Clatworthy, with help from many others. Based on a simple, readable markup language, SDF generates high quality output in multiple formats, all derived from a single document source. Supported output formats include HTML, PostScript, PDF, man pages, POD, LaTeX, SGML, MIMS HTX and F6 help, MIF, RTF, Windows help and plain text.
devel/msgpack-1.4.2 (Score: 0.0011871918)
MessagePack implementation for C and C++
MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange format that is focused on high performance. It is like JSON, but very fast and small.
www/squidclamav-6.14 (Score: 0.0011862996)
Clamav c-icap service and redirector for Squid
From the SquidClamav homepage: SquidClamav is an antivirus for Squid proxy based on the Awards winnings ClamAv anti-virus toolkit. Using it will help you securing your home or enterprise network web traffic. SquidClamav is the most efficient Squid Redirector and ICAP service antivirus tool for HTTP traffic available for free, it is written in C and can handle thousand of connections. The way to add more securing on your network for free is here. SquidClamav is build for speed and security in mind, it is first used and tested to secure a network with 2,500 and more users. It is also known to working fast with 15000+ users. With SquidClamav You have full control of what kind of HTTP stream must be scanned by Clamav antivirus, this control operate at 3 different levels: - At URL level, you can disable virus scanning for a set of web site, filename extension or anything that can be matched in an URL. - At client side by disabling virus scan and other redirector call to a set of username, source Ip addresses or computer DNS name. - At HTTP header level, where you can disable virus scanning following the content type or file size.