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Results 1,3011,310 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.005 seconds)
lang/execline- (Score: 0.015498864)
Lightweight non-interactive sh(1)-like scripting language
execline is a very light non-interactive scripting language, which is similar to /bin/sh. Simple shell scripts can be easily rewritten in the execline language, improving performance and memory usage. execline was designed for use in embedded systems, but works on most Unix flavors. execline features conditional loops, getopt-style option handling, filename globbing, and more. Meanwhile, its syntax is far more logical and predictable than the shell's syntax, and has no security issues.
lang/JavaScript-Value-Escape-0.07 (Score: 0.015498864)
Perl extension to avoid XSS with JavaScript value interpolation
There are a lot of XSS, a security hole typically found in web applications, caused by incorrect (or lack of) JavaScript escaping. This module is aimed to provide a secure JavaScript escaping to avoid XSS with JavaScript values. The escaping routine JavaScript::Value::Escape provides escapes q!"!, q!'!, q!&!, q!=!, q!-!, q!+!, q!;!, q!<!, q!>!, q!/!, q!\! and control characters to JavaScript unicode entities like "\u0026".
math/solitaire-19980817 (Score: 0.015498864)
Reference implementation of the Solitaire encryption algorithm
Solitaire is an encryption system based on a deck of cards by Bruce Schneier. Although it is designed to be worked out by a human, it can work on computers. This is the reference implementation programmed in Perl. The program itself is installed as 'solitaire', and the source code and test vectors are installed in share/doc/solitaire. Please read the web site below before relying on this for real security.
net/dgd-kernel-1.3.4 (Score: 0.015498864)
Kernel mudlib, for use with DGD
The kernel library was written to solve the technical problems encountered when writing a DGD mudlib for users who will have programming access. It deals with resource control, file security and user management, and offers basic functionality in the form of events. The library is designed to be fully configurable, and should not have to be modified for use on any system. It can be used for both persistent and non-persistent systems.
net/polyorb-2.11.1 (Score: 0.015498864)
CORBA, SOAP, Ada 95 Distributed System Annex middleware
PolyORB is a middleware implementation providing development tools and an innovative runtime library architecture for collaboration of application components using open standards for distributed systems. Key Features: * Support of standard application personalities: CORBA, Ada DSA (Annex E) * Support of standard protocol personalities: GIOP, SOAP * Interoperability between hardward platforms and operating environments, between distribution models * Support for multiple tasking profiles (full Ada tasking, Ravenscar tasking, no tasking) * Support for security and realtime extensions * Tailorability to application and platform specific requirements
net/twitter-1.17.1 (Score: 0.015498864)
Python API and command-line toolset for Twitter
The Minimalist Twitter API for Python is a Python API for Twitter, everyone's favorite Web 2.0 Facebook-style status updater for people on the go. Also included is a twitter command-line tool for getting your friends' tweets and setting your own tweet from the safety and security of your favorite shell and an IRC bot that can announce Twitter updates to an IRC channel.
sysutils/b2sum-0.0.d20150531 (Score: 0.015498864)
Fast secure hashing
The cryptographic hash function BLAKE2 is an improved version of the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE. Like SHA-3, BLAKE2 offers the highest security, yet is fast as MD5 on 64-bit platforms and requires at least 33% less RAM than SHA-2 or SHA-3 on low-end systems. The core algorithm of BLAKE2 is derived from ChaCha, a stream cipher designed by Daniel J. Bernstein that has been proposed as a standard cipher for TLS.
sysutils/cfengine-3.6.6 (Score: 0.015498864)
Systems administration tool for networks
Cfengine is an automated suite of programs for configuring and maintaining Unix-like computers. It has been used on computing arrays of between 1 and 20,000 computers since 1993 by a wide range of organizations. Cfengine is supported by active research and was the first autonomic, hands-free management system for Unix-like operating systems. Cfengine is an autonomic maintenance system not merely a change management roll-out tool. Cfengine has a history of security and adaptability.
sysutils/pam_mount-2.12 (Score: 0.015498864)
PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session
pam_mount is a Pluggable Authentication Module that can mount volumes for a user session. This module is aimed at environments with central file servers that a user wishes to mount on login and unmount on logout, such as (semi-)diskless stations where many users can logon and where statically mounting the entire /home from a server is a security risk, or listing all possible volumes in /etc/fstab is not feasible.
sysutils/qchroot-0.1 (Score: 0.015498864)
Utility for deployment of chroot environments
qchroot is a csh script for simplified administration of chroots on a host system. This is a viable alternate to jail(8) when jail(8) is too restrictive. This runs on RELEASE-9.3 and all newer RELEASES. The chroot filesystem shares a single copy of the system binaries which is mounted nullfs "read only" to the named chroot container filesystem. This provides 2 levels of security protection which is better than chroot by its self.