Ports Search

Results 1,0811,090 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.007 seconds)
www/mongrel2-1.7.5 (Score: 0.011522073)
Is an application, language, and network arch
Mongrel2 is an application, language, and network architecture agnostic web server that focuses on web applications using modern browser technologies.
x11-fonts/xfontsel-1.0.5 (Score: 0.011522073)
Point and click selection of X11 font names
This package contains xfontsel, an application which provides a simple way to display fonts known to your X server.
net-mgmt/nsca-2.9.1 (Score: 0.011429299)
Nagios Service Check Acceptor
The Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) is used to send service check results to a central Nagios server. This consists of the "nsca" daemon which runs on the main Nagios server and accepts results and the "send_nsca" client which is used to send results to the server.
net-mgmt/nsca-2.7.2 (Score: 0.011429299)
Nagios Service Check Acceptor
The Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA) is used to send service check results to a central Nagios server. This consists of the "nsca" daemon which runs on the main Nagios server and accepts results and the "send_nsca" client which is used to send results to the server.
games/netwalk-0.4.11 (Score: 0.011426674)
Game where the object is to connect every terminal to the main server
NetWalk is a puzzle game where the object is to connect every terminal to the main server. (These are represented by coloured boxes, so you could also imagine them to be water mains, electricity cables, phone lines, etc.) In this version, not only must every terminal be connected, but every piece of cable must also be connected to the main server somehow.
net/Net-AMQP-0.06 (Score: 0.011408109)
Advanced Message Queue Protocol (de)serialization and representation
This module implements the frame (de)serialization and representation of the Advanced Message Queue Protocol (http://www.amqp.org/). It is to be used in conjunction with client or server software that does the actual TCP/IP communication. While it's being written with AMQP version 0-8 in mind, as the spec is defined by an external xml file, support for 0-9, 0-9-1 and eventually 0-10 is hoped for.
www/mod_setenvifplus-0.22 (Score: 0.011408109)
Allows setting environment variables based on request attributes
The mod_setenvifplus module allows you to set environment variables according to whether different aspects of the request match regular expressions you specify. These environment variables can be used by other parts of the server to make decisions about actions to be taken, e.g. by using mod_qos or to propagate supplemental information to the appliaction via HTTP header data. mod_setenvifplus is derived from the standard Apache modules mod_setenvif and mod_headers.
mail/POE-Filter-Transparent-SMTP-0.2 (Score: 0.011339877)
SMTP transparency POE filter
The filter aims to make SMTP data transparent just before going onto the wire as per RFC 821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Section 4.5.2. TRANSPARENCY. See http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc821.html for details. Conversely the filter takes transparent data from the wire and converts it to the original format. The main purpose of this filter is to help POE::Component::Client::SMTP create transparent messages when comunicating with an SMTP server. However the filter can be used by any Perl SMTP client or server.
net/nettest-92.11.09 (Score: 0.011330005)
Performs client and server functions for timing data throughput
The nettest and nettestd commands invoke client and server programs that are used for timing data throughput of vari- ous methods of interprocess communication. For TCP and OSI connections, the nettest program establishes a connec- tion with the nettestd program, and then it does count writes of size bytes, followed by count reads of size bytes. For UDP, the nettest program performs only writes; reads are not performed. The nettestd program, if used with UDP connections, reads the data packets and prints a message for each data packet it receives. The number and size of the reads and writes may not correlate with the number and size of the actual data packets that are trans- ferred; it depends on the protocol that is chosen. If you append an optional k (or K) to the size, count, or bufsize value, the number specified is multiplied by 1024.
www/Frozen-Flask-0.11 (Score: 0.011304311)
Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
Frozen-Flask freezes a Flask application into a set of static files. The result can be hosted without any server-side software other than a traditional web server. This project used to be called Flask-Static.