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Results 14,22114,230 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
lang/cocor-1.7 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Compiler generator that combines the functionality of lex and yacc
Coco/R combines the functionality of the well-known UNIX tools lex and yacc, to form an extremely easy to use compiler generator that generates recursive descent parsers, their associated scanners, and (in some versions) a driver program, from attributed grammars (written using EBNF syntax with attributes and semantic actions) which conform to the restrictions imposed by LL(1) parsing (rather than LALR parsing, as allowed by yacc). The user has to add modules for symbol table handling, optimization, and code generation in order to get a running compiler. Coco/R can also be used to construct other syntax-based applications that have less of a "compiler" flavour. Coco/R is available in Oberon, Modula-2, Pascal, Delphi, C, Java and C# versions. This port only builds the C/C++ version.
lang/seed7-05.20160831 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
High-level, extensible programming language
Seed7 is an extensible general purpose programming language designed by Thomas Mertes. It is a higher level language compared to Ada, C/C++ and Java. In Seed7 new statements and operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept. Object orientation is used where it brings advantages and not in places where other solutions are more obvious. Although Seed7 contains several concepts from other programming languages, it is generally not considered a direct descendant of any other programming language. Major features include: - user defined statements and operators, - abstract data types, - templates without special syntax, - OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, - statically typed, - interpreted or compiled, - portable, - runs under Linux/Unix/Windows.
lang/ghc-7.10.2 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Compiler for the functional language Haskell
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and interactive environment for the functional language Haskell. Highlights: * Supports the entire Haskell 2010 language plus a wide variety of extensions. * Has particularly good support for concurrency and parallelism, including support for Software Transactional Memory (STM). * Generates fast code, particularly for concurrent programs. * Works on several platforms including FreeBSD, Windows, Mac, Linux, most varieties of Unix, and several different processor architectures. * Has extensive optimisation capabilities, including inter-module optimisation. * Compiles Haskell code either directly to native code or using LLVM as a back-end. It can also generate C code as an intermediate target for porting to new platforms. The interactive environment compiles Haskell to bytecode, and supports execution of mixed bytecode/compiled programs. * Profiling is supported, both by time/allocation and various kinds of heap profiling. * Comes with several libraries, and thousands more are available on Hackage.
lang/libjit-0.1.2 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Libjit implements Just-In-Time compilation functionality
The libjit library implements Just-In-Time compilation functionality. Unlike other JIT's, this one is designed to be independent of any particular virtual machine bytecode format or language. The hope is that Free Software projects can get a leg-up on proprietry VM vendors by using this library rather than spending large amounts of time writing their own JIT from scratch. This JIT is also designed to be portable to multiple archictures. If you run libjit on a machine for which a native code generator is not yet available, then libjit will fall back to interpreting the code. This way, you don't need to write your own interpreter for your bytecode format if you don't want to.
lang/scm-5f2 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Scheme interpreter
Scm conforms to Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme and the IEEE P1178 specification. SLIB is a portable Scheme library which SCM uses. SLIB-PSD is a portable debugger for Scheme (requires emacs editor). The init file is hard-coded as /usr/local/lib/scm/Init.scm. Alternatively, one can set the environment variable SCM_INIT_PATH to the pathname of Init.scm. The library files are in /usr/local/lib/scm/slib. Alternatively, one can set the environment variable SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH to the slib directory. Remember to use a trailing / on the pathname. By default -DSICP is turned on, with the expectation that this is the major reason for this port. This means test.scm will fail on three tests in section 6.1. Where strict R4S compliance is important, recompile without the SICP flag.
lang/yorick-2.2.04 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Interpreted language for scientific simulations
Yorick is an interpreted programming language for: * Scientific simulations or calculations * Postprocessing or steering large simulation codes * Interactive scientific graphics * Reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers The language features a compact syntax for many common array operations, so it processes large arrays of numbers very quickly and efficiently. Superficially, yorick code resembles C code, but yorick variables are never explicitly declared and have a dynamic scoping similar to many Lisp dialects. The yorick language is designed to be typed interactively at a keyboard, as well as stored in files for later use. This package includes an emacs-based development environment, which one can launch by typing M-x yorick in emacs, if installed `yorick.el' have been loaded into one's ~/.emacs file.
mail/cyrus-imapd-2.3.19 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
The Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server provides access to personal mail and system-wide bulletin boards through the IMAP protocol. The Cyrus IMAP server is a scaleable enterprise mail system designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based technologies. A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed" servers, where users are not normally permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through software using the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols. The private mailbox database design gives the server large advantages in efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox hierarchies.
mail/cyrus-imapd-2.4.18 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
The Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server provides access to personal mail and system-wide bulletin boards through the IMAP protocol. The Cyrus IMAP server is a scaleable enterprise mail system designed for use from small to large enterprise environments using standards-based technologies. A full Cyrus IMAP implementation allows a seamless mail and bulletin board environment to be set up across multiple servers. It differs from other IMAP server implementations in that it is run on "sealed" servers, where users are not normally permitted to log in. The mailbox database is stored in parts of the filesystem that are private to the Cyrus IMAP system. All user access to mail is through software using the IMAP, POP3, or KPOP protocols. The private mailbox database design gives the server large advantages in efficiency, scalability, and administratability. Multiple concurrent read/write connections to the same mailbox are permitted. The server supports access control lists on mailboxes and storage quotas on mailbox hierarchies.
mail/gbuffy-0.2.6 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
GTK+ multiple mailbox "biff" program
GBuffy will poll multiple mailboxes for new mail. It will list the number of new messages in each mailbox you configure. It will also highlight the mailboxes which have new mail. Pressing the left mouse button on a mailbox with new mail will display the Sender and Subject of each new message. Additionally, GBuffy will display the X-Face header for messages which have them. Pressing the middle mouse button on a mailbox will launch the configured command, generally a command to read the mailbox with your favorite mailreader. Pressing the right mouse button will bring up the configure menu. GBuffy is currently capable of watching MBOX, MMDF, Maildir and MH Folders. This version also supports IMAP4rev1 and NNTP with XOVER. Support for an external program for notification is planned.
mail/msmtp-1.6.5 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
SMTP plugin for MUAs
msmtp -- An SMTP client msmtp is an SMTP client that can be used as an "SMTP plugin" for Mutt and probably other MUAs (mail user agents). It forwards mails to an SMTP server (for example at a free mail provider) which does the delivery. To use this program, create a configuration file with your mail account(s) and tell your MUA to call msmtp instead of /usr/sbin/sendmail. Features include: * SMTP AUTH methods PLAIN, LOGIN and CRAM-MD5 (and DIGEST-MD5 and NTLM when compiled with GSASL support) * TLS encrypted connections (including server certificate verification and the possibility to send a client certificate) * DSN (Delivery Status Notification) support * IPv6 support (on systems that support it) * support for multiple accounts * sendmail compatible exit codes (which most MUAs understand). Note: you may want to install mail/msmtpqueue - queuing support for msmtp.