Ports 搜索

mail/epstools-1.8 (Score: 0.0034885632)
EPS (Email Parsing System) sample tools
Sample code, and tools for EPS (Requires EPS v1.5)
mail/libmilter-8.15.2 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Library providing Sendmail Mail Filter API
The sendmail Mail Filter API (Milter) is designed to allow third-party programs access to mail messages as they are being processed in order to filter meta-information and content.
mail/lmtp2nntp-1.4.1 (Score: 0.0034885632)
OSSP mail to news gateway
The OSSP lmtp2nntp program is an LMTP service for use in conjunction with an MTA (like Sendmail), providing a reli- able real-time mail to news gateway. Input messages get their headers slightly reformatted to match Usenet news article format. The article is then posted or feeded into a remote NNTP service (like INN). Delivery must take place immediately or the transaction fails. OSSP lmtp2nntp relies on the queuing capabilities of the MTA in order to provide a fully reliable service. For this the program returns proper delivery status notification which indi- cates successful completed action, persistent transient failure or permanent failure.
mail/prayer-1.3.5 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Prayer Webmail System
Prayer is yet another Webmail interface for IMAP servers on Unix systems. It exists because we weren't terribly happy about the characteristics of existing Webmail interfaces: in particular scalability problems with common open source Webmail packages and the lack of flexibility that commercial packages would give us. This doesn't mean that Prayer is trying to compete with existing Webmail packages. It just means that Prayer is better suited to our particular environment.
mail/qmail-rblchk-2.4.1 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Qmail RBL filter
A fast rbl lookup implementation for qmail, typically used as part of .qmail command processing. It has the same function as rblsmtpd, but the messages are checked at local delivery time.
mail/popcheck-1.3 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Preview and delete messages in POP3 mailbox
Log onto a popserver to see a list of all messages that you have on there, with sender, subject and size for each message. With an ncurses interface that easily lets you scroll through them, and optionally deleting messages without ever downloading them. This can be useful when you've received big mails that you don't really want to download.
mail/popular-1.5.5 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Suite of programs for setting up large POP3 server systems
POPular is a suite of programs for setting up large POP3 server systems. It consists of a POP3 proxy, a storage server and lots of utility programs. Note that this program is intended to be used in large email systems and is therefore quite complex to configure. If you only have a few thousand mailboxes, you are probably better of with a different POP3 server.
mail/qgmailnotifier-2008.3 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Portable Qt 4 based GMail notifier
A portable QT4 based GMail notifier, which is designed to provide all of the functionality that the official Windows notifier has, and more.
mail/qmail-remove-0.95 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Removes messages from your qmail queue based on a particular string
Qmail-Remove will remove messages containing a particular string from your Qmail queue.
mail/calendar_file_backend-1.0 (Score: 0.0034885632)
File backend for SquirrelMail Calendar plugin
This plugin implements a file-based backend for user calendar data for the SquirrelMail Calendar plugin