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textproc/extract_url-1.5.8 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl script that extracts URLs from email in MIME or plain text format
This is a Perl script that extracts URLs from correctly-encoded MIME email messages or plain text. This can be used either as a pre-parser for urlview, or to replace urlview entirely. This is designed primarily for use with the mutt emailer. The idea is that if you want to access a URL in an email, you pipe the email to a URL extractor (like this one) which then lets you select a URL to view in some third program (such as Firefox). An alternative design is to access URLs from within mutt's pager by defining macros and tagging the URLs in the display to indicate which macro to use. A script you can use to do that is tagurl.pl. Main features: - Configurable - Handles URLs that have been broken over several lines in format=flowed delsp=yes email messages - Handles quoted-printable email messages - Sanitizes URLs so that they can't break out of the command shell
textproc/RTF-Writer-1.11 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format
This module is for generating documents in Rich Text Format. This module is a class; an object belonging to this class acts like an output filehandle, and calling methods on it causes RTF text to be written. Incidentally, this module also exports a few useful functions, upon request. The following documentation assumes some familiarity with the RTF Specification. Users not already intimately familiar with RTF should look at RTF::Cookbook.
Regex pattern for Email Addresses
Regexp::Common::Email::Address provides a regex to match email addresses as defined by RFC 2822.
textproc/Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.03 (Score: 0.068937615)
Provide patterns for CIDR blocks
Patterns for CIDR blocks.
textproc/Pod-Parser-1.63 (Score: 0.068937615)
Modules to work with POD (Plain Old Documentation)
Set of modules: * Pod::Parser - base class for creating POD filters and translators * Pod::Select - extract selected sections of POD from input * Pod::Usage - print a usage message from embedded pod documentation * Pod::PlainText - convert POD data to formatted ASCII text * Pod::InputObjects - objects representing POD input paragraphs, commands, etc. * Pod::Checker - check pod documents for syntax errors * Pod::ParseUtils - helpers for POD parsing and conversion * Pod::Find - find POD documents in directory trees
textproc/Pod-Perldoc-3.25 (Score: 0.068937615)
Look up Perl documentation in Pod format
Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
Provide regexes for U.S. profanity
Instead of a dry technical overview, I am going to explain the structure of this module based on its history. I consult at a company that generates customer leads primarily by having websites that attract people (e.g. lowering loan values, selling cars, buying real estate, etc.). For some reason we get more than our fair share of profane leads. For this reason I was told to write a profanity checker. For the data that I was dealing with, the profanity was most often in the email address or in the first or last name, so I naively started filtering profanity with a set of regexps for that sort of data. Note that both names and email addresses are unlike what you are reading now: they are not whitespace-separated text, but are instead labels. Therefore full support for profanity checking should work in 2 entirely different contexts: labels (email, names) and text (what you are reading). Because open-source is driven by demand and I have no need for detecting profanity in text, only label is implemented at the moment. And you know the next sentence: "patches welcome" :)
textproc/Regexp-Copy-0.06 (Score: 0.068937615)
Copy the contents of one Regexp object to another
Regexp::Copy allows you to copy the contents of one Regexp object to another. A problem that I have found with the qr// operator is that the Regexp objects that it creates are is impossible to dereference. This causes problems if you want to change the data in the regexp without losing the reference to it. Its impossible. Regexp::Copy allows you to change the Regexp by copying one object created through qr// to another.
textproc/Regexp-Debugger-0.001020 (Score: 0.068937615)
Visually debug regexes in-place
When you load this module, any regex in the same lexical scope will be visually (and interactively) debugged as it matches.
textproc/Pod-Strip-1.02 (Score: 0.068937615)
Remove POD from Perl code
Pod::Strip, a subclass of Pod::Simple. It parses perl files, strips all POD from Perl Code.