Ports 搜索

security/truecrypt-7.1a (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Free open-source disk encryption software
Free open-source disk encryption software Main Features: * Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. * Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive. * Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent. * Parallelization and pipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted. * Provides plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system.
security/truecrack-0.1 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes
TrueCrack is a brute-force password cracker for TrueCrypt (Copyright) volume files. It works on Linux and it is optimized with Nvidia Cuda technology. It works with cripted volumes with the following algorithms: - PBKDF2 (defined in PKCS5 v2.0) based on RIPEMD160 Key derivation function. - XTS block cipher mode of operation used for hard disk encryption based on AES. TrueCrack can work in two different modes of use: - Dictionary attack: read the passwords from a file of words (one password for line). - Charset attack: generate the passwords from a charset of symbols defined by the user (for example: all possible strings of n characters from the charset "abc" ).
sysutils/libcpuid-0.3.0 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Small x86 CPU identification library
libcpuid is a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction. Using it, you can: - Get the processor vendor, model, brand string, code name, etc. - Get information about CPU features such as: number of cores or logical CPUs, cache sizes, CPU clock, etc. - Check if the processor implements a specific instruction set such as SSE2 or 3DNow! - Execute the CPUID and RDTSC instructions in a portable way - And have this all in your commercial application, without getting into trouble, due to permissive license Reference utility (rather advanced and useful on its own) is also provided.
sysutils/cw-1.0.16 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
cw is a non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for common Unix-based command. cw is designed to simulate the environment of the commands being executed, so that if a person types 'du', 'df', 'ping', etc. in their shell it will automatically color the output in real-time according to a definition file containing the color format desired. cw has support for wildcard match coloring, tokenized coloring, headers/footers, case scenario coloring, command line dependent definition coloring, and includes over 50 pre-made definition files.
sysutils/docker-freebsd-20150625 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Docker containment system
Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container. Docker containers are both hardware-agnostic and platform-agnostic. This means they can run anywhere, from your laptop to the largest EC2 compute instance and everything in between - and they don't require you to use a particular language, framework or packaging system. That makes them great building blocks for deploying and scaling web apps, databases, and backend services without depending on a particular stack or provider.
sysutils/freeipmi-1.5.2 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Library and tools to support IPMI-capable hardware
FreeIPMI provides in-band and out-of-band IPMI software based on the IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification. The IPMI specification defines a set of interfaces for platform management and is implemented by a number vendors for system management. The features of IPMI that most users will be interested in are sensor monitoring, system event monitoring, power control, and serial-over-LAN (SOL). The FreeIPMI tools and libraries should provide users with the ability to access and utilize these and many other features. A number of useful features for large HPC or cluster environments have also been implemented into FreeIPMI.
sysutils/etcupdate-1.1 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Manage updates to /etc automatically
The etcupdate utility is a tool for managing updates to files that are not updated as part of `make installworld' such as files in /etc. It manages updates by doing a three-way merge of changes made to these files against the local versions. It is also designed to minimize the amount of user intervention with the goal of simplifying upgrades for clusters of machines. The primary difference from mergemaster is that etcupdate requires less manual work. The primary difference from etcmerge is that etcupdate updates files in-place similar to mergemaster rather than building a separate /etc tree.
sysutils/nfsping-0.1.20131017 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Command line tool to check NFS server response times
NFSping is a command line utility for measuring the response time of an NFS server. It's basically a copy of the fping interface but doesn't share any code with that project. On modern NFS servers, the network stack and filesystem are often being run on separate cores or even hardware components. This means in practise that a fast ICMP ping response isn't indicative of how quickly the NFS filesystem is responding. This tool more directly tests the responsiveness of the server's operating system's NFS component.
sysutils/munin-2.0.25 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Collector part of Munin
Munin network-wide graphing framework (node) Munin is a tool for graphing all sorts of information about one or more servers and displaying it in a web interface. It uses the excellent RRDTool (written by Tobi Oetiker) and is written in Perl. Munin has a master/node architecture. The master connects to all the nodes at regular intervals, and asks them for data. It then stores the data in RRD-files, and (if needed) updates the graphs. One of the main goals have been ease of creating own "plugins" (graphs). This is the collector. It is installed on the machine that shall collect and display performance data.
sysutils/bsdcrashtar-0.1.3 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Archive FreeBSD kernel crash files
The bsdcrashtar utility creates tar a archive that contains all files needed for debugging FreeBSD kernel crash (vmcore, kernel, loaded modules, sources that appear in backtrace). This is useful for debugging a crash on another host, sending it to developers or if you are going to upgrade the kernel on crashed host but would like to keep crashdump in case the developers ask you to provide additional info. Created tar archive contains also a script that when being run inside unpacked archive will give kgdb(1) session with crash core loaded in it. The script should be run with root privileges because it does chroot(8) before starting kgdb(1).