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Results 2,7112,720 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
textproc/htmlsection-1.1 (Score: 0.0018712106)
Insert section numbers in HTML and make a table of contents
htmlsection is a perl script to insert section number in HTML. When you use htmlsection, you don't have to manage section, table, figure, program-list, reference, term and note numbers and you don't have to make the table of contents, table index, figure index, and program-list index. * Insert section number in HTML and make links to the section. * Make the table of contents. * Insert table, figure, and program-list numbers and make links. * Make the index of tables, figures, and program-lists. * Insert reference, term, and note numbers and make links.
math/gracetmpl-0.3.2 (Score: 0.0018658654)
Provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a template
The GraceTMPL classes provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a template to format any number of graphs in a predefined way and save them as grace-files. This way you can apply the same graphical appearance to all of your data. In case your preferences change, you just alter the template and reformat your complete set of data within the shortest amount of time. The capabilities of GraceTMPL include: * The application using the GraceTMPL classes can define environment variables for the sheet, each graph and each dataset. The variables can be used in the template for dynamic string replacement. Even output filenames can be templated using variable substitution. * Datasets in the template file can be marked to be included in the destination files for easy reference. * Datasets can be tagged with arbitrary information strings to be interpreted by the application using GraceTMPL. This way information can be passed to the application on how to create the datasets and what kind of information is intended by the template author. * In case no template file is loaded by the application, GraceTMPL::Save will output plain sets of data tables which can easily be imported by XmGrace or other applications.
textproc/CSS-Minifier-0.01 (Score: 0.0018566974)
Perl extension for minifying CSS
CSS::Minifier removes unnecessary whitespace from CSS. The primary requirement developing this module is to not break working stylesheets: if working CSS is in input then working CSS is output. The Mac/Internet Explorer comment hack will be minimized but not stripped and so will continue to function. This module understands space, horizontal tab, new line, carriage return, and form feed characters to be whitespace. Any other characters that may be considered whitespace are not minimized. These other characters include paragraph separator and vertical tab. For static CSS files, it is recommended that you minify during the build stage of web deployment. If you minify on-the-fly then it might be a good idea to cache the minified file. Minifying static files on-the-fly repeatedly is wasteful.
net/proxy-suite- (Score: 0.0018556335)
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security. The first (and currently only) component being released is the FTP-Proxy. * Securely relays FTP connections between clients and servers * Can switch connections from active to passive and vice versa * Utilizes port ranges for both control and data connections * Provides extensive auditing (via syslog or rotating log files) * Can separate user related from system triggered audit events * Provides command restriction based on logged in user name * Allows command argument checking with regular expressions * Is able to retrieve configuration data from an LDAP directory * Has been thoroughly tested against buffer overflow attacks * Fully conforms to RFC 959 and 1123 (the basic FTP RFCs) * Planned to support RFC 1579 ("Firewall Friendly FTP") * Planned to support RFC 2428 (IPv6 Extensions for FTP) * Based on GNU AutoConf, supposed to run on many UNIX systems Ported to FreeBSD using OpenBSD port by Camiel Dobbelaar <cd@sentia.nl>, with updates contributed by Marius Tomaschewski <mat@mt-home.net>.
devel/asmx-1.8.2 (Score: 0.0018536529)
Multi-CPU macro assembler for many major 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs
This is a multi-CPU macro assembler for many major 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs which can assemble code for multiple CPUs in the same source file. Current CPUs supported: * RCA 1802 * MOS Technology 6502, 65C02 and 6502 with undocumented instructions * WDC 65816 (lacks some addressing mode support) * Motorola 6809 * Motorola 6800/6801/68HC11 and Hitachi 6303 * Motorola 6805/68HSC08 * Motorola 68HC16 * Motorola 68000/68010 * Intel 8051 * Intel 8080, 8085, and 8085 with undocumented instructions * Fairchild F8 * Atari Jaguar "Tom" and "Jerry" coprocessors * Zilog Z-80 and Nintendo Gameboy Z-80 variant
devel/Console_CommandLine-1.2.2 (Score: 0.0018536529)
Full featured command line options and arguments parser
Console_CommandLine is a full featured package for managing command-line options and arguments highly inspired from python optparse module, it allows the developer to easily build complex command line interfaces. Main features: * handles sub commands (ie. $ myscript.php -q subcommand -f file), * can be completely built from an xml definition file, * generate --help and --version options automatically, * can be completely customized, * builtin support for i18n, * and much more...
devel/lm4tools- (Score: 0.0018536529)
TI Tiva C ARM microcontroller tools
Some tools which enable multi-platform development on the TI Stellaris Launchpad boards. The Stellaris Launchpad is a low cost development board created by Texas Instruments that comes with an ARM Cortex-M4F processor. Included tools: lm4flash Command-line firmware flashing tool using libusb-1.0 to communicate with the Stellaris Launchpad ICDI. lmicdiusb TCP/USB bridge created by TI, letting GDB communicate with the Stellaris Launchpad ICDI.
math/mumps-4.10.0 (Score: 0.0018536529)
MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
MUMPS is a Distributed Multifrontal Solver (F90, MPI based) with Dynamic Distributed Scheduling to accomodate both numerical fill-in and multi-user environment. - Solution of large linear systems with symmetric positive definite matrices; general symmetric matrices; general unsymmetric matrices. - Version for complex arithmetic. - Parallel factorization and solve phases (uniprocessor version also available). - Iterative refinement and backward error analysis. - Various matrix input formats: assembled format; distributed assembled format; elemental format. - Partial factorization and Schur complement matrix. - Several orderings interfaced : AMD, AMF, PORD, METIS
sysutils/phantom-1.2 (Score: 0.0018536529)
Phantomblock generator (converts existing files to sparse files)
This tool removes blocks of 0x00 from files by replacing them with phantomblocks. That way, a file uses less diskspace while its contents hasn't changed at all! BEWARE: after copying these files with tar, cp, cpio or any other tool, the phantomblocks have been replaced with 0x00-blocks again! EXAMPLE: find / -type f -print | xargs -n 1 phantom -r -i This would go trough the whole harddisk, scan all files and generate 0x00-blocks where necessary.
www/Toader-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0018341825)
CMS meant to be used from the terminal and integrated into a VCS for rendering static pages
Toader is a CMS that renders to static pages. It is control from command line. It is meant to be integrated with a VCS, allowing a source/control of a website to be stored in the same location as the project or projects a site is for.