Ports 搜索

www/http-2.5.6 (Score: 0.014903333)
Extended HTTP Support
pecl-http extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications. It eases handling of HTTP URLs, dates, redirects, headers and messages, provides means for negotiation of clients preferred language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities. It provides powerful request functionality too.
www/HTML-Template-2.95 (Score: 0.014903333)
Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts.
www/HTML_TagCloud-1.0.0 (Score: 0.014903333)
Generate TagCloud in HTML And Visualize Tags
This package can be used to generate tag clouds. The output is HTML and CSS. And it does not only visualize frequency, but also timeline information. The newer the tag is, the deeper its color will be; older tags will have a lighter color.The main goal of "HTML_TagCloud" is to provide an easy to implement and configureable Tag Cloud solution that is suitable for any PHP-based webapp.
www/HTTP_Client-1.2.1 (Score: 0.014903333)
PEAR classes for high level HTTP requests
The HTTP_Client class wraps around HTTP_Request and provides a higher level interface for performing multiple HTTP requests. Features: * Manages cookies and referrers between requests * Handles HTTP redirection * Has methods to set default headers and request parameters * Implements the Subject-Observer design pattern: the base class sends events to listeners that do the response processing.
www/HTTP_Download-1.1.4 (Score: 0.014903333)
PEAR class to send HTTP downloads
Provides an interface to easily send hidden files or any arbitrary data to HTTP clients. HTTP_Download can gain its data from variables, files or stream resources. It features: - Basic caching capabilities - Basic throttling mechanism - On-the-fly gzip-compression - Ranges (partial downloads and resuming) - Delivery of on-the-fly generated archives through Archive_Tar and Archive_Zip - Sending of PgSQL LOBs without the need to read all data in prior to sending
www/HTTP_FloodControl-0.1.1 (Score: 0.014903333)
PEAR classes to detect and protect from attempts to flood a site
The HTTP_FloodControl package can be used to detect and protect a Web site from attempts to flood it with too many requests. It also allows to protect the site from automatic downloading many pages or files from the same IP address, session ID or other unique identifier. The detection of flood is determine according to a set of parameters indicating the maximal allowed number of requests for the certain time interval. It is possible to set several parameters at once in order to perform more effective protection. The package uses various storage containers (regular files, DB, MDB, MDB2) to handle counter logs.
www/HTTP_Header-1.2.1 (Score: 0.014903333)
PEAR OO interface to modify and handle HTTP headers and status codes
This class provides methods to set/modify HTTP headers and status codes including an HTTP caching facility. It also provides methods for checking Status types.
www/HTTP_Request-1.4.4 (Score: 0.014903333)
PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests
Supports GET/POST/HEAD/TRACE/PUT/DELETE, Basic authentication, Proxy, Proxy Authentication, SSL, file uploads etc.
www/HTTP_Request2-2.3.0 (Score: 0.014903333)
PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests
PHP5 rewrite of HTTP_Request package. Provides cleaner API and pluggable Adapters. Currently available are: * Socket adapter, based on old HTTP_Request code, * Curl adapter, wraps around PHP's cURL extension, * Mock adapter, to use for testing packages dependent on HTTP_Request2. Supports POST requests with data and file uploads, authentication, cookies, proxies, gzip and deflate encodings, monitoring the request progress with Observers.
www/HTTP_Server-0.4.1 (Score: 0.014903333)
HTTP server class
HTTP server class that allows you to easily implement HTTP servers by supplying callbacks. The base class will parse the request, call the appropriate callback and build a repsonse based on an array that the callbacks have to return.