Ports 搜索

devel/antlr-2.7.7 (Score: 0.019761808)
ANother Tool for Language Recognition
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions.
devel/cccc-3.1.4 (Score: 0.019761808)
C and C++ Code Counter
Source code metric analyser for C, C++, Java and Ada Presents a report in HTML with figures for Lines of Code, McCabes Complexity, Ratio of Comments to Lines of Code and McCabe, module Fan-In and Fan-Out
devel/libmonetra-7.0.4 (Score: 0.019761808)
Library for credit card processing through Monetra (formerly MCVE)
This is the library to allow connections to an Monetra Payment Processing Daemon via SSL and TCP/IP. It is the base of other APIs including PHP, PERL, and JAVA.
devel/libwfut-0.2.3 (Score: 0.019761808)
WorldForge update library
libwfut is a C++ implementation of the Java updater tool, WFUT. It is primarily intended for use with WorldForge clients to allow integrated media updates, although it is not limited to this task.
devel/log4cpp-1.1.1 (Score: 0.019761808)
Library of C++ classes for flexible logging
A library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, IDSA and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library (http://www.log4j.org), staying as close to their API as is reasonable.
devel/log4cplus-1.1.2 (Score: 0.019761808)
Logging library for C++
This is a port of log4cplus, a simple-to-use C++ logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. It is modeled after the Java log4j API.
devel/antlr3-3.5.2 (Score: 0.019761808)
ANother Tool for Language Recognition
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions.
devel/antlr4-4.5.3 (Score: 0.019761808)
ANother Tool for Language Recognition
ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions.
devel/Log-Log4perl-1.47 (Score: 0.019761808)
Log4j implementation for Perl
Log::Log4perl lets you remote-control and fine-tune the logging behaviour of your system from the outside. It implements the widely popular (Java-based) Log4j logging package in pure Perl.
devel/Test-Unit-0.25 (Score: 0.019761808)
PerlUnit testing framework
This framework is intended to support unit testing in an object-oriented development paradigm (with support for inheritance of tests etc.) and is derived from the JUnit testing framework for Java by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma.