Ports 搜索

graphics/sam2p-0.49.2 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
Converts raster (bitmap) image formats into PS or PDF files
sam2p is a UNIX command line utility written in ANSI C++ that converts many raster (bitmap) image formats into Adobe PostScript or PDF files and several other formats. The images are not vectorized. sam2p gives full control to the user to specify standards-compliance, compression, and bit depths. In some cases sam2p can compress an image 100 times smaller than the PostScript output of many other common image converters. sam2p provides ZIP, RLE and LZW (de)compression filters even on Level1 devices.
math/concorde-20031219 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
Combinatorial Optimization package
Concorde is a computer code for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and some related network optimization problems. The code is written in the ANSI C programming language and it is available for academic research use; for other uses, contact bico@isye.gatech.edu for licensing options. Concorde's TSP solver has been used to obtain the optimal solutions to 106 of the 110 TSPLIB instances; the largest having 15,112 cities. The Concorde callable library includes over 700 functions permitting users to create specialized codes for TSP-like problems. All Concorde functions are thread-safe for programming in shared-memory parallel environments; the main TSP solver includes code for running over networks of Unix workstations.
math/mpc-1.0.3 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
Mpc is a C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision and correct rounding of the result. It is built upon and follows the same principles as Mpfr. The library is written by Andreas Enge, Philippe Theveny and Paul Zimmermann and is distributed under the Gnu Lesser General Public License, either version 2.1 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. The Mpc library has been registered in France by the Agence pour la Protection des Programmes on 2003-02-05 under the number IDDN FR 001 060029 000 R P 2003 000 10000.
net-im/vqcc-gtk-0.5 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
LAN chat client compatible with quickChat and Vypress Chat (TM)
vqcc-gtk is a chat application written in C for the GTK+ toolkit, primarily used in small LAN's. It is based on quickChat/Vypress Chat (TM) for Windows (from Vypress Research) and is licensed under the GPL. The application supports both quickChat and Vypress Chat(TM) protocols and hopefully is compatible enough to substitute those applications when using Linux, FreeBSD or another *NIX desktop. You need no server to run, however it is not possible to communicate outside your LAN (or subnet). (From the About page)
science/mlpy-3.5.0 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
High performance Python package for predictive modeling
Machine Learning PY (mlpy) is a high-performance Python package for predictive modeling. It makes extensive use of numpy (http://scipy.org) to provide fast N-dimensional array manipulation and easy integration of C code. mlpy provides high level procedures that support, with few lines of code, the design of rich Data Analysis Protocols (DAPs) for preprocessing, clustering, predictive classification and feature selection. Methods are available for feature weighting and ranking, data resampling, error evaluation and experiment landscaping.The package includes tools to measure stability in sets of ranked feature lists.
security/keyczar-0.716 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography
Keyczar is an open source cryptographic toolkit designed to make it easier and safer for developers to use cryptography in their applications. Keyczar supports authentication and encryption with both symmetric and asymmetric keys. Some features of Keyczar include: * A simple API * Key rotation and versioning * Safe default algorithms, modes, and key lengths * Automated generation of initialization vectors and ciphertext signatures * Java, Python, and C++ implementations * International support in Java (Python coming soon) Keyczar was originally developed by members of the Google Security Team and is released under an Apache 2.0 license.
security/zxid-1.42 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
Open Source IdM for the Masses - SAML SSO
ZXID aims at full stack implementation of all federated identity management and identity web services protocols. Initial goal is supporting SP role, followed by ID-WSF WSC and IdP roles. ZXID is light weight, has a small foot print, and is implemented in C. It is suitable for both high performance and embedded applications. Scripting languages are supported using SWIG, including Perl, PHP and Java. The "full stack" nature of ZXID means it's self contained and has minimal external library dependencies (see downloads).
shells/scponly-4.8.20110526 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
Tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
[Excerpted from the README:] "scponly" is an alternative "shell" (of sorts) for system administrators who would like to provide access to remote users to both read and write local files without providing any remote execution privileges. Functionally, it is best described as a wrapper to the tried-and-true ssh suite. scponly validates remote requests by examining the third argument passed to the shell upon login. (The first argument is the shell itself, and the second is -c.) The only commands allowed are "scp", "sftp-server" and "ls". Arguments to these commands are passed along unmolested.
www/neon-0.30.1 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
Neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems, with a C interface. Featuring: . High-level interface to HTTP and WebDAV methods (PUT, GET, HEAD etc) . Low-level interface to HTTP request handling, to allow implementing new methods easily. . HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 persistent connections . RFC2617 basic and digest authentication (including auth-int, md5-sess) . Proxy support (including basic/digest authentication) . Generic WebDAV 207 XML response handling mechanism . XML parsing using the expat or libxml parsers . Easy generation of error messages from 207 error responses . WebDAV resource manipulation: MOVE, COPY, DELETE, MKCOL . WebDAV metadata support: set and remove properties, query any set of properties (PROPPATCH/PROPFIND).
x11-toolkits/gtkglarea-2.0.1 (Score: 2.875293E-4)
OpenGL widget for the GTK+2 GUI toolkit
Just as GTK+ is build on top of GDK, GtkGLArea is built on top of gdkgl which is basically wrapper around GLX functions. The widget itself is derived from GtkDrawinigArea widget and adds only few extra functions. Lower level gdkgl functions make it easy to render on any widget that has OpenGL capable visual, rendering to off-screen pixmaps is also supported. Related project which may interest those who use GTK-- is GtkGLArea--. It is a C++ wrapper for gtkglarea written by Karl Nelson <kenelson@ece.ucdavis.edu>.