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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第7,4117,420项(搜索用时0.011秒)
www/jToolkit-0.7.8 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Webapp framework with modpython-based and stand-alone modes
jToolkit is a Python web application framework built on modpython and Apache. There is also a simple command line webserver for running applications from. It is aimed at dynamically generated pages rather than mostly-static pages (for which there are templating solutions). Pages can be produced using a variety of widgets. It handles sessions and database connections (and multi-database portability).
www/urlobject-2.4.2 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Utility class for manipulating URLs
URLObject is a utility class for manipulating URLs. The latest incarnation of this library builds upon the ideas of its predecessor, but aims for a clearer API, focusing on proper method names over operator overrides. It's also being developed from the ground up in a test-driven manner, and has full Sphinx documentation.
www/ljdeps-1.0 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Meta-port to install all the perl modules used by LiveJournal
LiveJournal is an open source content management system, written mainly in Perl and utilizing MySQL as a database backend. By itself, it serves as a powerful content updating system. In other uses, it is the framework application behind many successful online communities, including LiveJournal.com and DeadJournal.com. ljdeps is a meta-port which installs all of the perl modules needed by LiveJournal.
www/htmlcompressor-1.5.3 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
HTML/XML Compressor
Java HTML/XML Compressor is a very small, fast and easy to use library that minifies given HTML or XML source by removing extra whitespaces, comments and other unneeded characters without breaking the content structure. As a result pages become smaller in size and load faster. A command-line version of the compressor is also included.
www/snap-server- (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Fast, iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based web server library written in Haskell. Together with the "snap-core" library upon which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming interface to the HTTP protocol.
www/mahara-15.04.0 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Open source ePortfolio system
Mahara is an open source ePortfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo M.ori, is user centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities.
www/mod_fcgid-2.3.9 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Alternative FastCGI module for Apache2
mod_fcgid is a high performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid, which starts a sufficient number instances of the CGI program to handle concurrent requests, and these programs remain running to handle further incoming requests. It is favored by the PHP developers, for example, as a preferred alternative to running mod_php in-process, delivering very similar performance. License: Apache License
www/mod_macro-1.1.11 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Apache 2.2.x module for use macros in config files
mod_macro is a third-party module to the Apache Http Server, distributed with a BSD-style license like Apache. It allows the definition and use of macros within apache runtime configuration files. The syntax is a natural extension to apache html-like configuration style.
www/CGI-Expand-2.05 (Score: 1.607039E-4)
Convert flat hash to nested data using TT2 dot convention
Converts a CGI query into structured data using a dotted name convention similar to TT2. expand_cgi works with CGI.pm, Apache::Request or anything with an appropriate "param" method. Or you can use expand_hash directly. If you prefer to use a different flattening convention then CGI::Expand can be subclassed.
Catalyst helper for Scaffolding
Catalyst::Helper::Controller::Scaffold is a helper for scaffolding for Catalyst, which adds easy scaffolding: # Imagine you want to generate a scaffolding controller MyApp::C::SomeTable # for a CDBI table class MyApp::M::CDBI::SomeTable script/myapp_create.pl controller SomeTable Scaffold CDBI::SomeTable