Ports 搜索

graphics/generic_image_decoder-05 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Ada library for decoding various image formats inc. animations
The Generic Image Decoder (GID) is an Ada package for decoding a broad variety on image formats from any data stream to any kind of medium. Examples include in-memory bitmap, a GUI objecct, another stream, floating point data for scientific calculations, a browser element or a device. Animations are also supported. GID features: * Standalone; requires no other libraries or bindings * Completely portable - no OS, CPU, or compiler dependencies * Task safe * Endian-neutral * Free and open source * Pure Ada95 (suitable for Ada2005 and Ada2012 projects) Currently supports BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG and TGA formats.
graphics/gmagick-1.1.7RC3 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library.
graphics/jhead-3.00 (Score: 0.0052562496)
EXIF JPEG header manipulation tool
Jhead is a command line driven program for manipulating the non-image parts of Exif flavour JPEG files that most digital cameras produce. It has the following features: - Extracting camera settings from Exif image files - Able to set and/or adjust the Exif time field - Manipulation (extract, replace, regenerate) of Exif integral thumbnails - Transplant Exif image header from one JPEG to another - Edit JPEG comment fields - Automatically rotate images upright (using jpegtran) according to "orientation" tag. - Manage running programs on large batches of Jpegs and restoring Exif header information afterwards. - Display embedded GPS info (if present)
graphics/jpeginfo-1.6.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Generate listing and MD5, check jpegs for error, delete broken ones
jpeginfo is used to generate informative listings of jpeg files, and also to check jpeg files for errors. Program also supports automatic deletion of broken jpegs.
graphics/l2p-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Create PNG images from LaTeX math expressions
A command-line program to create PNG images from LaTeX math expressions.
graphics/fortytwo-0.2.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Graph management system for GNUstep
FT is a generic, native graph management system for GNUstep and Cocoa and is written in Objective-C. With FT you can persistently manage graphs consisting of nodes and edges. Each node may provide so-called services. Such a service may be e.g. a dictionary services, which all nodes provide at present. This service allows the storage of any data in a node and is based on keys which uniquely identify content within a dictionary. LICENSE: LGPL2 or later
graphics/aview-1.3.0.r1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Graphics viewer for viewing netpbm format on console or X using aalib
Aview is powerful graphics viewer which utilize the aalib API and allows viewing netpbm format (and others in the presence of netpbm or ImageMagick) on console (using slang) and X. There are three programs. aview: the main program which could used to view pnm, ppm, pgm and pbm files. It runs under X or slang. asciiview: a shell script wraps around aview to allow wider range of image formats to be viewed. Netpbm package is required for the conversion. aaflip: a program to view flip animation using ascii text. Works under X and slang. You could press h to get help. You may also save the pics in various text format. Thanks to aalib!
graphics/libwmf- (Score: 0.0052562496)
Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows metafile)
libwmf is a library for Unix like machines that can convert wmf files into other formats, currently it supports a gd binding to convert to png, and an X one to draw direct to an X window or pixmap.
graphics/aalib-1.4.r5 (Score: 0.0052562496)
ASCII art library
AA-lib is a low-level graphics library similar to many other libraries except for the fact that AA-lib does not require a graphics device! In fact, no "graphical" output is possible. AA-lib uses a modern, high-tech ascii-art renderer in place of outmoded and cumbersome graphical output. The AA-lib API is designed to be similar to that of other graphics libraries so learning its API should be simple.
graphics/Image_Barcode2-0.2.3 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PEAR class for barcode generation
With PEAR::Image_Barcode2 class you can create a barcode representation of a given string. This class uses GD function because this the generated graphic can be any of GD supported image types.