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Results 7,8017,810 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.015 seconds)
math/Math-Interpolate-1.06 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Perl routines for data sets interpolation and interval search
* This module contains several useful routines for interpolating data sets and finding where a given value lies in a sorted list. The first is a subroutine used to locate a position in an array of values where a given value would fit using bisection. It has been designed to be efficient in the common situation that it is called repeatedly. The user can supply a different set of comparison operators to replace the standard < and <=. For example, given a list (1, 2, 5, 8, 15) and the number 9.5 it would return 3. * The remaining routines all are related to interpolating sets of (x,y) data pairs. They all take a list of (x,y) data pairs given another x value, return a sensible y value using the list of (x,y) data pairs. Three different interpolating functions are provided. The first, called a constant interpolator, assumes that the function being interpolated moves in non-linear jumps from one value to another. The interpolated value for some value x is the y value of the neighboring (x,y) to the left of the given x. The second interpolator performs a linear interpolation between the neighboring points. The third interpolator is called the robust interpolator and interpolates a smooth curve between all of the (x,y) pairs. To do the interpolation, it first calculates some reasonable derivatives at the (x,y) pairs. The robust interpolator can also use derivative information supplied by the user.
math/Set-Window-1.01 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Perl module to manage an interval on the integer line
A Set::Window object represents a window on the integer line; that is, a finite set of consecutive integers. Methods are provided for creating and modifying windows, for obtaining information about windows, and for performing some simple set operations on windows. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
math/oleo-1.99.16 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
GNU spreadsheet for X11 and terminals
`Oleo' has more than one user interface. The traditional `oleo' environment shows a curses based (character mode) user interface. A bare bones user interface based on the X Window System exists as of version 1.6 which dates back to 1994. In 1998, development started for a `motif' based user interface. It should be more user friendly than the character based UI.
math/openlibm-0.5.2 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
High quality system independent, portable, open source libm
OpenLibm is an effort to have a high quality, portable, standalone C mathematical library (libm). It can be used standalone in applications and programming language implementations. The project was born out of a need to have a good libm for the Julia programming langage that worked consistently across compilers and operating systems, and in 32-bit and 64-bit environments.
math/plastex-1.0.0 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
LaTeX Document Processing Framework
plasTeX is a LaTeX document processing framework written entirely in Python. It currently comes bundled with renderers for XHTML, DocBook, man pages, plain text, as well as a way to simply dump the document to a generic form of XML. Other renderers can be added as well and are planned for future releases.
math/scalapack-2.0.2 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
The ScaLAPACK Scalable LAPACK library
The ScaLAPACK (or Scalable LAPACK) library includes a subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for distributed memory MIMD parallel computers. It is currently written in a Single-Program-Multiple-Data style using explicit message passing for interprocessor communication. It assumes matrices are laid out in a two-dimensional block cyclic decomposition.
math/spar-0.5.10 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Modular math parser
Spar is a modular math parser that comes with a fully featured text frontend, something like an interactive calculator. It also provides a simple but complete API for C/C++ programmers. This API provide a complete interface to a top down parser that supports: variables, constants, functions, modules and a libc based math library. This math library overrides standard functions with a "custom" version (such as. deg, rad auto conversion, infinite symbol, function domain...). Spar, can be easily extended with modules. A module is a "user" extensions, written in C/C++, to the basic features of the Simple Parser. Here you can find the module definition: is a C structure that contains only few data member: - module name - module version - module description - a pointer to the module main function The modules are loaded at run-time by the module loader (that is a high level layer of the module manager): you can load your modules, simply, coping theirs paths into the .spar_modules (or any other file, with the -c option).
misc/brs-4.03 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Interactive King James Bible
Bible Retrieval System (BRS) consists of a textual database of the Authorized ("King James") Version of the Old and New Testaments, a set of libraries for finding and retrieving text, and a program ("bible") which uses the libraries to retrieve Bible passages given references on the command line or from standard input.
misc/figlet-2.2.5 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
SysV banner-like program prints strings in large fancy ASCII art
Figlet is a program that creates large ASCII art characters out of ordinary screen characters _ _ _ _ _ _ | (_) | _____ | |_| |__ (_)___ | | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __| | | | < __/ | |_| | | | \__ \_ |_|_|_|\_\___| \__|_| |_|_|___(_) Figlet can print in a variety of fonts, both left-to-right and right-to-left. Figlet comes with several fonts. Also, many other fonts are avaiable, including Hebrew, Cyrillic (Russian), and Greek. There is also a "Figlet Home Page" on the Worldwide Web. http://www.surfplaza.com/figlet/
misc/pyprind-2.9.9 (Score: 8.972706E-5)
Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator Utility
The PyPrind (Python Progress Indicator) module provides a progress bar and a percentage indicator object that let you track the progress of a loop structure or other iterative computation. Typical applications include the processing of large data sets to provide an intuitive estimate at runtime about the progress of the computation.