Ports Search

Results 1,5911,600 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
sysutils/u-boot-2013.10 (Score: 0.0011438557)
Cross-build U-Boot loader for Wandboard (solo, dual, and quad)
U-Boot loader for Wandboard Solo, Dual, and Quad. Install the u-boot.imx file onto the boot disk using: dd if=u-boot.imx of=/dev/whatever bs=1k oseek=1 conv=sync The U-Boot built by this port expects the first 1MB of the boot media to be reserved for the U-Boot executable and saved environment. The u-boot.imx file begins at an offset of 1K from the start of the boot disk. The U-Boot environment area begins at an offset of 512K. This version is patched so that: * ELF and API features are enabled to support ubldr. * A single U-Boot image supports Solo, Dual[lite], and Quad processors. * When the selected board has multiple SD or MMC devices available, the mmc0 device in U-Boot (and thus the disk0 device in loader(8)) will be whichever device U-Boot was loaded from by the ROM bootloader routines. The sources for this port were originally obtained from commit 87f595d1ee at https://github.com/TechNexion/U-Boot-edm/ which appears to be a slightly modified fork of the stock U-Boot 2013.10 release. As of this writing, the changes in this fork have not been rolled back into upstream U-Boot. For general information about U-Boot see WWW: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot
astro/xglobe-0.5 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Displays a view of the Earth (like xearth) with a rendered photo map
Displays a rendered view of the earth in your root window, similar to xearth, but instead uses a satellite image map of the earth. You can also substitute surface maps of other planets if you're feeling cosmic.
deskutils/ZConf-Runner-2.1.4 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Run a file using a chosen method, desktop entry, or mimetype
A configuration system allowing for either file or LDAP backed storage. A utility is included as well, 'zcrunner'. It can be used to configure actions and run files using them.
devel/commons-daemon-1.0.15 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon. Daemon is made of 2 parts. One written in C that makes the interface to the operating system and the other in Java that provides the Daemon API.
devel/Devel-CoreStack-1.3 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Perl5 module that generates a stack dump from a core file
This module attempts to generate a stack dump from a core file by locating the best available debugger (if any) and running it with the appropriate arguments and command script.
devel/rbison-0.0.7 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file
rbison generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file. rbison uses Bison to do all the hard work (generating state transition tables, etc), then translates the Bison-generated C code into Ruby code.
devel/annoy-0.5.6 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Present the user with a simple question before a destructive action
Annoy, like your annoying friend that asks you questions all the time. Rudy uses annoy to present the user with a simple question before continuing with a destructive action.
security/keyprint-1.0 (Score: 0.0011367034)
Print S/Key keys on a piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card
This is keyprint: a quick hack for printing S/Key keys on a small piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card for easy storage in a wallet, card holder, etc. It produces a PostScript file which can be printed and then trimmed to size: hn38925 +----------------------------------------+ | 1 af fd alfal 26 fd s fdas da | | 2 af fd alfal 27 fd s fdas da | | 3 af fd alfal 28 fd s fdas da | | . . | | . . | | 74 af fd alfal 98 fd s fdas da | | 75 af fd alfal 99 fd s fdas da | +----------------------------------------+ Warning: If you don't have a secure network, then it is not a good idea to print this key set on a network printer. It might be obvious, but you never know.
net/Net-LDAP-LDAPhash-1.0.3 (Score: 0.001135783)
Make a hash out of the return from a search using Net::LDAP::Search
This takes from a search and turns it into a hash. The returned has is in the following format. {DN}{ldap}{attribute}[array of values for this attribute] The reason for the {ldap} is to allow for other values and the like to be tagged onto a hash for a DN that are unrelated to LDAP. This function does not make any attempt to check if the search succedded or not.
mail/timeout_user-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0011348532)
Automatically logs a user out if they're idle for a set amount of time
This automatically logs a user out if they're idle for a set amount of time. We define 'idle' as having not refreshed the right-hand frame. The administrator can set a standard time for all users or allow users to set their own timeout values.