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Results 7180 of 141 for /news/.(0.004 seconds)
news/slrnconf-0.8.4 (Score: 0.23366502)
Graphical configuration utility for the newsreader slrn
Slrnconf is a graphical configuation utility for the newsreader slrn. It is intended to make the hairy configuration of SLRN a bit easier. Slrnconf will try to read your ~/.slrnrc at startup. If you're using a different file, just open it via File -> Open. There are no command line switches.
news/slrnface-2.1.1 (Score: 0.23366502)
Shows X-Faces from slrn in X11 terminal emulator
slrnface shows X-Faces from slrn in an X11 terminal emulator
news/tin-2.3.4 (Score: 0.23366502)
Easy-to-use threaded newsreader with NOV/NNTP support
TIN is an easy to use threaded newsreader with NOV/NNTP support.
news/xpn-1.2.6 (Score: 0.23366502)
X Python Newsreader
With XPN you can read/write articles on the Usenet with a good MIME support (better than some well known newsreaders). XPN can operate with all the most diffuse charset starting from US-ASCII to UTF-8. When you edit an article XPN automatically chooses the best charset, however is always possible to override this choice. There also other useful features like scoring, filtered views, random tag-lines, external editor support, one-key navigation, ROT13, spoiler char.
news/yencode-0.46 (Score: 0.23366502)
Free (GPL) encoder and decoder for the yEnc Usenet file format
yencode is an encoder/decoder package for the Usenet yEnc encoding format. The source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License and should work on most modern Unix-like operating systems. Features: - Full internationalization (multilingual) support provided by GNU gettext. - Encoder can output single part or multipart encoded archives of any size. - Smart decoder can handle multiple files, including files specified out of order or with nonsense file names. - Included Usenet posting software posts files to Usenet quickly and easily, including automatic creation of encoded multipart archives and SFV/CRC checksum files, if desired. - Optional scan mode: automatically locate and decode single or multipart encoded archives in specified directories or recursively. - Supports SFV file creation for multiple-file archives. - Fully compliant with the current yEnc specifications.
news/yydecode-0.2.10 (Score: 0.23366502)
Tool to decode yEnc encoded files
yydecode started life as a decoder for yEnc encoded binaries, which have recently appeared on Usenet. yydecode works almost identically to the infamous uudecode program. Version 0.2.8 and onwards contains a superset of uudecode's functionality, (ie. decodes standard uuencoded files, as well as Base64 [RFC2045] encoded files produced by uuencode) and hence can be used as a drop-in replacement in all circumstances.
www/pnews-2.6.6 (Score: 0.17233512)
PHP Web-based News Reader
PHP News Reader is a web based News Reader. It supports the standard NNTP protocol (RFC 977) for reading, posting, deleting, forwarding and replying news articles. Features: * Read/Post/Reply/Crosspost/Forward/Delete articles to/from News server(s). * Multiple News server and multiple catalog of news groups. * Support NNTP over SSL (NNTPS) and NNTP authentication. * Posting and downloading for uuencoded attachment. * Easy to install, no database access and IMAP is not required. * Authentication is easily configured to work with your existing system. * Multiple language interface and Traditional/Simplified Chinese coding conversion.
www/tickr-0.6.4 (Score: 0.166723)
News RSS Ticker
TICKR is a Free Open Source, GTK-based RSS READER application which displays RSS FEEDS in a TICKER bar on your desktop. With a single click, you get the latest headlines scrolling in a thin window on your desktop, as what can be seen on News TV channels.
mail/lmtp2nntp-1.4.1 (Score: 0.15098716)
OSSP mail to news gateway
The OSSP lmtp2nntp program is an LMTP service for use in conjunction with an MTA (like Sendmail), providing a reli- able real-time mail to news gateway. Input messages get their headers slightly reformatted to match Usenet news article format. The article is then posted or feeded into a remote NNTP service (like INN). Delivery must take place immediately or the transaction fails. OSSP lmtp2nntp relies on the queuing capabilities of the MTA in order to provide a fully reliable service. For this the program returns proper delivery status notification which indi- cates successful completed action, persistent transient failure or permanent failure.
audio/ripit-3.9.0 (Score: 0.15017176)
Command line audio CD ripper
RipIT is used to create MPEG-1 Layer 3 (mp3) using Lame, or uses Flac (flac), Ogg Vorbis (ogg) or Faac (m4a) to convert audio files (wav) extracted from an audio CD. It is a console based front-end (no GUI here), written in Perl, for various programs. The program will do the following without user intervention: * getting the audio CD Album/Artist/Tracks information from CDDB * ripping the audio CD Tracks * encoding to Flac, mp3 or Ogg * id3 tags encoded songs * creating an playlist (m3u) file * optionally generating a toc (cue) sheet for nice DAO burning * optionally preparing and send a CDDB submission and save it locally * optionally extracting hidden songs and split ghost songs * optionally creating md5sum files for all tracks * running several encoder processes at the same time and same run