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Results 4,2214,230 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.004 seconds)
devel/libfastjson-0.99.4 (Score: 0.032514982)
libfastjson is a fork from json-c
The aim of this project is not to provide a slightly modified clone of json-c. It's aim is to provide * a small library with essential json handling functions * sufficiently good json support (not 100% standards compliant) * be very fast in processing In order to reach these goals, we reduce the features of json-c. For similarities and differences, see the file DIFFERENCES.
devel/posix-33.4.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
POSIX layer for Lua
LuaPosix is a Lua extension library that provides support for POSIX.
devel/gevent-1.1.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Python co-routine networking library based on greenlet
gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libevent event loop. Features include: - Fast event loop based on libevent (epoll on Linux, kqueue on FreeBSD). - Lightweight execution units based on greenlet. - API that re-uses concepts from the Python standard library (for example there are Events and Queues). - Cooperative sockets with SSL support. - DNS queries performed through libevent-dns. - Monkey patching utility to get 3rd party modules to become cooperative. - Fast WSGI server based on libevent-http gevent is inspired by eventlet but features more consistent API, simpler implementation and better performance. Read why others use gevent and check out the list of the open source projects based on gevent.
devel/mercator-0.3.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Procedural terrain library
Mercator is a procedural terrain library. It is primarily aimed at terrain for multiplayer online games and forms one of the WorldForge (http://www.worldforge.org) core libraries. It is intended to be used as a terrain library on both the client, and the server.
devel/git-up-1.3.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Python implementation of 'git up'
PyGitUp is a Python implementation of the great aanand/git-up/. It not only fully covers the abilities of git-up and should be a drop-in replacement, but also extends it slightly.
devel/pytrie-0.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure
A trie is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a mapping where the keys are sequences, usually strings over an alphabet. In addition to implementing the mapping interface, tries allow finding the items for a given prefix, and vice versa, finding the items whose keys are prefixes of a given key.
devel/gitdb-0.6.4 (Score: 0.032514982)
Pure Python git object database
The GitDB project implements interfaces to allow read and write access to git repositories. In its core lies the db package, which contains all database types necessary to read a complete git repository. These are the LooseObjectDB, the PackedDB and the ReferenceDB which are combined into the GitDB to combine every aspect of the git database. For this to work, GitDB implements pack reading, as well as loose object reading and writing. Data is always encapsulated in streams, which allows huge files to be handled as well as small ones, usually only chunks of the stream are kept in memory for processing, never the whole stream at once.
devel/gitosis-0.2.20090917 (Score: 0.032514982)
Software for hosting git repositories
Manage git repositories, provide access to them over SSH, with tight access control and not needing shell accounts. Gitosis aims to make hosting git repos easier and safer. It manages multiple repositories under one user account, using SSH keys to identify users. End users do not need shell accounts on the server, they will talk to one shared account that will not let them run arbitrary commands.
devel/pyxml2obj- (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple way to convert xml to python object and vice versa
This module provides only 2 methods, XMLin and XMLout. XMLin convert xml to python object, and XMLout python object to xml. This module is inspired by XML::Simple in CPAN, but some options of XML::Simple are not supported.
devel/qpid-0.32 (Score: 0.032514982)
Python library for qpid, a connection-oriented messaging API
Python bindings for Apache Qpid, which speak AMQP and support many languages and platforms. AMQP is an open internet protocol for reliably sending and receiving messages. It makes it possible for everyone to build a diverse, coherent messaging ecosystem.