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Results 3140 of 650 for name%3Aeclipse.(0.104 seconds)
misc/rname-1.0 (Score: 0.04440562)
Execute a program with a fake name
This is a simple utility to execute a program under a different name.
devel/Class-Load-0.22 (Score: 0.043592818)
Working (require Class::Name) and more
require EXPR only accepts Class/Name.pm style module names, not Class::Name. How frustrating! For that, we provide load_class 'Class::Name'. It's often useful to test whether a module can be loaded, instead of throwing an error when it's not available. For that, we provide try_load_class 'Class::Name'. Finally, sometimes we need to know whether a particular class has been loaded. Asking %INC is an option, but that will miss inner packages and any class for which the filename does not correspond to the package name. For that, we provide is_class_loaded 'Class::Name'.
dns/checkdns-0.5 (Score: 0.043592818)
Domain name server analysis and reporting tool
This program is a domain name server analysis and reporting tool. It checks and reports whether a domain name, hosted by your organization, is still in use, and if so, reports whether your name servers are still the delegated name servers of the domain name in question. Reports are generated both to the console and as HTML output. HTMLs also include information about the MX and WWW records of the domain name. The tool is expected to be of great use for Internet Service Providers who are in need of keeping track of lame dns records.
dns/nss_mdns-0.10 (Score: 0.04324675)
NSS module implementing multicast DNS name resolution
nss_mdns is a plugin for libc which provides host name resolution via Multicast DNS, building on Avahi. Only name resolution is provided; nss_mdns does not advertise services.
textproc/Lingua-EN-NameParse-1.34 (Score: 0.04324675)
Routines for manipulating a person's name
This module takes as input a person or persons name in free format text and attempts to parse it. If successful, the name is broken down into components and useful functions can be performed.
dns/dns-2.3.6 (Score: 0.04191056)
DNS (Domain Name Service) library for Python
This directory contains a Python module that implements a DNS (Domain Name Server) client, plus additional modules that define some symbolic constants used by DNS (dnstype, dnsclass, dnsopcode).
devel/UNIVERSAL-which-0.06 (Score: 0.041163117)
Perl extension for telling fully qualified name of the method
Perl extension for telling fully qualified name of the method.
sysutils/pidof-20050501 (Score: 0.041163117)
Tool which prints PID of given process name
A tool which prints PID of given process name.
dns/dnscrypt-wrapper-0.2.1 (Score: 0.04066303)
Adds dnscrypt support to any name resolver
This is a port of dnscrypt-wrapper, which adds dnscrypt support to any name resolver. It is the server-side counterpart of dnscrypt-proxy, and is in fact derived from its source.
net/Net-NBName-0.26 (Score: 0.04066303)
Performs simple NetBIOS Name Service Requests
Net::NBName is a class that allows you to perform simple NetBIOS Name Service Requests in your Perl code. It performs these NetBIOS operations over TCP/IP using Perl's built-in socket support.