Ports 搜索

mail/emailrelay-1.9 (Score: 0.010738602)
Simple SMTP proxy and store-and-forward MTA
E-MailRelay is a simple SMTP proxy and store-and-forward message transfer agent (MTA). When running as a proxy all e-mail messages can be passed through a user-defined program, such as a spam filter, which can drop, re- address or edit messages as they pass through. When running as a store- and-forward MTA incoming messages are stored in a local spool directory, and then forwarded to the next SMTP server on request. E-MailRelay can also run as a POP3 server. Messages received over SMTP can be automatically dropped into several independent POP3 mailboxes.
misc/rpl-1.4.1 (Score: 0.010735985)
Rpl is a Unix text replacement utility
rpl is a Unix text replacement utility. It will replace strings with new strings in multiple text files. It can scan directories recursively and replace strings in all files found. The search can be limited to files with certain filename suffixes (e.g. '.html', '.c', etc.).
shells/ambit-2.0.39 (Score: 0.010733)
Extended bash brace expansion to expand hostnames or commands
Ambit, at its simplest, uses Bash Brace Expansion to expand and list hostnames OR commands. First and foremost Ambit is meant to be a general purpose hostlist enumerator to be used by other applications or scripts. Additionally Ambit can be used to manage User Specific as well as System-Wide HostGroups. It can also be used to query Network HostGroups. Finally, Ambit is able to detect when it is expanding a command (rather than a host list), allowing for the command to be expanded and executed synchronously. This means Ambit can expand and run just about anything on the command line and usually works in places where Bash Brace Expansion might fail.
mail/ask-2.5.3 (Score: 0.01072689)
Anti Spam Killer content filtering
Active Spam Killer (ASK) protects your email account against spam by confirming the sender's email address before actual delivery takes place. The confirmation happens by means of a "confirmation message" that is automatically sent to all "unknown" users.
security/massh-2.0.57 (Score: 0.01072689)
Parallel ssh command execution and file transfer on multiple hosts
Massh makes it possible to perform the following on hundreds, or even thousands of hosts in a parallelized fashion: * Run Remote Commands * Push and Execute Pre-Written Scripts * Push Files * Pull Files
www/samidare-0.7 (Score: 0.01072689)
Web page update checker written in Ruby
samidare is a web page update checker Features: * Easy configuration: just list up URLs. * HTML generation by template. * tDiary theme supported. * generate/read LIRS. * check page content addition to Last-Modified.
textproc/htree-0.8 (Score: 0.010695735)
Ruby library to manipulate HTML/XML tree data structure
Ruby/htree - HTML/XML tree library htree provides a tree data structure representing HTML and XML data. Features: * Permissive unified HTML/XML parser * byte-to-byte round-tripping unparser * XML namespace support * Dedicated class for escaped string that eases sanitization * XHTML/XML generator * template engine * recursive template expansion * converter to REXML document
biology/mapm3-3.0 (Score: 0.010680346)
Constructs linkage maps of markers segregating in experimental crosses
MAPMAKER/EXP is a linkage analysis package designed to help construct primary linkage maps of markers segregating in experimental crosses. MAPMAKER/EXP performs full multipoint linkage analysis (simultaneous estimation of all recombination fractions from the primary data) for dominant, recessive, and co- dominant (e.g. RFLP-like) markers. MAPMAKER/EXP is an experimental-cross-only successor to the original MAPMAKER program. MAPMAKER/QTL is a companion program to MAPMAKER/EXP which allows one to map genes controlling polygenic quantitative traits in F2 intercrosses and BC1 backcrosses relative to a genetic linkage map. More information on MAPMAKER/QTL can be found in the technical report (included with MAPMAKER/QTL).
games/osp-1.03a (Score: 0.0105711175)
Quake III Arena mod: OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF
OSP Tourney DM is designed to facilitate competitive, yet flexible, match play. This mod simply makes it easier and more convenient for players and and admins alike to enhance the Quake 3 experience. There have absolutely been *NO* changes to the core gameplay or its dynamics -- its all default Quake 3 in this regard.
russian/pytils-0.3 (Score: 0.0105711175)
Russian-specific string utils
Simple tools for processing strings in Russian (choose proper form for plurals, in-words representation of numerals, dates in Russian without locales, transliteration, etc).