Ports 搜索

science/Chemistry-Bond-Find-0.23 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Detect bonds in a molecule and assign formal bond orders
Perl module which provides functions for detecting the bonds in a molecule from its 3D coordinates by using simple cutoffs, and for guessing the formal bond orders.
security/Digest-MD5-M4p-0.01 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithm
The Digest::MD5::M4p module is cloned from the Digest::MD5 module to support a variant Apple iTunes implementation of the MD5 algorithm.
shells/psh-1.8.1 (Score: 0.0010014757)
New shell made entirely out of a Perl script
Perl Shell is a new shell that combines the power of bash and several other shells with the power of perl programming.
sysutils/procmap-1.0 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Print the contents of a procfs map file
The procmap utility reliably prints the contents of an entire procfs map file, whereas a utility like cat cannot reliably do so.
sysutils/wmflame-0.60 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Dockapp that shows the load average as a flame
WindowMaker dockapp showing load average as a flame. Can also be used in AfterStep. Allows user to change lots of the flame characteristics.
sysutils/xin-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Splits standard input and pipes into a command
Xin reads from standard input and splits the data up into sections, piping each section to a separate command. Optionally it can pad each section with zeros.
textproc/Text-Quoted-2.09 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Text::Quoted - Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
Text::Quoted examines the structure of some text which may contain multiple different levels of quoting, and turns the text into a nested data structure.
www/Apache-AuthTicket-0.93 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Perl modules that implement a cookie-based authentication system
Apache::AuthTicket* modules implement a cookie-based authentication system similar to the ticket access system describde in the mod_perl eagle book.
www/HTML-ExtractMain-0.62 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Perl extension to extract main content of a web page
HTML::ExtractMain is a module which takes HTML content, and uses the Readability algorithm to detect the main body of the page, usually skipping headers, footers, navigation, etc.
www/django-piston-0.2.3 (Score: 0.0010014757)
Piston is a Django mini-framework creating APIs
A mini-framework for Django for creating RESTful APIs. Piston is a relatively small Django application that lets you create application programming interfaces (API) for your sites. It has several unique features: * Ties into Django's internal mechanisms. * Supports OAuth out of the box (as well as Basic/Digest or custom auth.) * Doesn't require tying to models, allowing arbitrary resources. * Speaks JSON, YAML, Python Pickle & XML (and HATEOAS.) * Ships with a convenient reusable library in Python * Respects and encourages proper use of HTTP (status codes, ...) * Has built in (optional) form validation (via Django), throttling, etc. * Supports streaming, with a small memory footprint.