Ports 搜索

devel/bsearch-1.5 (Score: 0.006132291)
Binary search library for Ruby
Ruby/Bsearch is a binary search library for Ruby. It can search the FIRST or LAST occurrence in an array with a condition given by a block.
devel/phpbt-1.0.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Bug-tracking system developed in PHP
phpBugTracker is a web-based bug reporting and tracking system. It helps development teams to manage the testing and debugging segments of the development cycle. A PHP replacement for bugzilla, focusing on separating the presentation, application, and database layers by using templates and a database abstraction layer.
devel/ciphon-0.4.0 (Score: 0.006132291)
Module for python that adds cpan-like functionality
A module for python that adds cpan-like functionality
devel/fastimport-0.9.2 (Score: 0.006132291)
Fastimport parser in Python
This is the Python parser that was originally developed for bzr-fastimport, but extracted so it can be used by other projects. It is currently used by bzr-fastimport and dulwich. hg-fastimport and git-remote-hg use a slightly modified version of it.
devel/TurboJinja-0.9.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Jinja (Django & Smarty-like) template for TurboGears
Jinja (Django & Smarty-like) template for TurboGears
devel/fam-1.1.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Python Interface to the File Alteration Monitor
Python FAM provides a Python module to use the File Alteration Monitor(ports/devel/fam) in Python.
devel/pyasn1-modules-0.0.8 (Score: 0.006132291)
Collection of ASN.1 data structures for py-asn1
This is a small but growing collection of ASN.1 data structures expressed in Python terms using pyasn1 data model.
devel/adabooch-20160321 (Score: 0.006132291)
Ada 95 Booch Components
The Ada 95 Booch components are a port of Grady Booch's C++ components. They contain the same key abstractions as the C++ form (Structs, Tools and Support). However, the organization is slightly different, particularly in the Support domain. This is because Ada 95 provides several special forms of memory management that are quite different from C++. The Structs category provides an array of structural abstractions (Bags, Collections, Deques, Graphs, Lists, Maps, Queues, Rings, Sets, Stacks, and Trees). The Tools category provides algorithmic abstractions (Searching, Sorting, etc.). The Support category contains all the "concrete" forms, plus structures to create the components. Some of the structures permit structural sharing (graphs, lists, and trees). Some structures may also be ordered (collections, dequeues, and queues). There are also multiple forms for some structures: single and double linked lists, directed and undirected graphs, and binary, multiway, and AVL trees.
devel/rhtvision- (Score: 0.006132291)
Complete C++ Text User Interface (TUI) library
A complete C++ Text User Interface (TUI) featuring windows, dialogs (buttons, check and radio boxes, input boxes, etc.), mouse support, menus, etc. It's available for various platforms and compilers.
devel/pybugz-0.12.1 (Score: 0.006132291)
Python command-line interface to bugzilla
Many find Bugzilla's web-based UI inefficient. PyBugz is a command-line based interface that was written by Alastair Tse in order to improve his interaction with Gentoo Bugzilla Features -------- * Searching bugzilla * Listing details of a bug including comments and attachments * Downloading/viewing attachments from bugzilla * Posting bugs, comments, and making changes to an existing bug. * Adding attachments to a bug. There is extensive help in `bugz --help` and `bugz <subcommand> --help` for additional options.