Ports 搜索

databases/sqlite3dbm-0.1.4 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Sqlite-backed dictionary
This module provides a sqlite-backed dictionary conforming to the dbm interface, along with a shelve class that wraps the dict and provides serialization for it.
databases/memcache-client-1.8.5 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Ruby bindings for MemCached
MemCache Client memcache-client is a pure Ruby client for memcached. It is nearly a drop-in replacement for Ruby MemCache (databases/ruby-memcache).
databases/redis-namespace-1.5.2 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Ruby client class for Redis with namespace support
Adds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is useful when using a single instance of Redis with multiple, different applications.
databases/skytools-3.2 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
PostgreSQL tools from Skype: walshipping, queueing, replication
This is a package of tools from Skype for replication and failover. Also it includes a generic queuing mechanism PgQ and utility library for Python scripts.
databases/alembic-0.8.7 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
Alembic is a new database migrations tool, written by the author of SQLAlchemy. A migrations tool offers the following functionality: - Can emit ALTER statements to a database in order to change the structure of tables and other constructs - Provides a system whereby "migration scripts" may be constructed; each script indicates a particular series of steps that can "upgrade" a target database to a new version, and optionally a series of steps that can "downgrade" similarly, doing the same steps in reverse. - Allows the scripts to execute in some sequential manner.
deskutils/anamnesis-1.0.4 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Clipboard manager that stores all clipboard history
Anamnesis is a clipboard manager. It stores all clipboard history and offers an easy interface to do a full-text search on the items of its history.
deskutils/gxmessage-3.4.3 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
GTK3 substitute for xmessage
A GTK3 based xmessage clone, gxmessage tries to be as compatible as possible. You might like it if you're running a mostly GTK desktop.
deskutils/systempreferences-1.2.0 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
System Preferences application for GNUstep
System Preferences is a clone of the Apple OS X System Preferences application based on a GNUstep implementation of the PreferencePanes framework.
devel/cpan-upload-http-2.4 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Perl script to upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE
cpan-upload-http is a script which automates the process of uploading a file to CPAN using PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload Server.
devel/cvs2darcs-0.8 (Score: 2.643537E-4)
Convert CVS module to darcs repository
cvs2darcs is a script to check out a CVS repository module and convert it to use the Darcs version control system.