Ports 搜索

biology/libsbml-5.13.0 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
API Library for Working with SBML File
LibSBML is an open-source programming library to help you read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams. It is not an application itself (though it does come with example programs), but rather a library you can embed in your own applications. LibSBML understands all Levels and Versions of SBML, as well as the SBML Layout proposal by Gauges, Rost, Sahle and Wegner. It's written in ISO C and C++ but can be used from all the languages listed in the right-hand box.
biology/psi88-1.0 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Plotting wavefunctions (molecular orbitals) in 3D
PSI/88 Version 1.0 by W. L. Jorgensen & D. L. Severance To plot wavefunctions in three dimensions from semi-empirical and most popular ab initio basis sets. Valence semi-empirical, STO-3G, 3-21++G(*) and 6-31++G(d,p) basis sets are implemented for atoms H-Ar. On-line manual is available at this web site. You can also download the source code of psi88 from the above site as a ``psi88.tar.gz''. When you do ungzip and untar this archive, you will obtain some documents and the ``psi88.tar.Z'' file which is required at this port.
biology/tinker-7.1.3 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
General purpose molecular modelling package
Tinker is a set of small programs for doing general purpose molecular modeling calculations. Tools are included for energy minimizations, geometry calculations, simulated annealing, molecular dynamics, and molecular analysis calculations. Tools for converting coordinate sets are also provided. Tinker employs several force fields and minimization techniques. This port sets the maxatm value to 2500 atoms. This should be sufficient for most molecular systems. Should you need to work with larger systems you can set the maxatm parameter in the sizes.i file located in the tinker/source directory and recompile. Note that if it is set too large that tinker programs will abort and core dump. For more information about Tinker see:
cad/chipvault-200607 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Project organizer for VHDL and Verilog RTL hardware designs
ChipVault is a VHDL and Verilog Chip Design Organization tool which improves design efficiency by: - Providing the ability to Navigate and Edit files Hierarchically. - Automatically generating Schematic Component Port views of VHDL and Verilog RTL files. - Automating RTL instantiation and template generation. - Providing Revision Control (designed for HW, not SW development). - Supporting External Tool Hooks (bottom-up vcoms,etc). - Providing an Issue Tracking Log with sorting. - Providing Netlist sorting and hierarchy viewing. - Supporting web-sharing of RTL files (both encrypted and clear). - Fast and Nimble.
chinese/Encode-HanExtra-0.23 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Perl 5.7.3 和以后的版本有一套足够的中文编码,包括常用的 CP950、CP936(也 称为 GBK)、Big5(别名为 Big5-Eten)、Big5-HKSCS、EUC-CN、HZ 和 ISO-IR-165. 然而,中文编码多得惊人,要涵盖所有的编码将会占据 perl 发行版好几兆字节;因此,这个 CPAN 模块试图提供其它剩下的一些编码。 如果你使用的是 perl 5.8 或更高版本,Encode::CN 和 Encode:TW 将会为你自动 加载扩展编码,因此如果你已经使用了它们中的一个,那么你无需明确使用 Encode::HanExtra 来调用。
chinese/Lingua-ZH-WordSegmenter-0.01 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
这是简体中文分词的 perl 版本。 该分词算法在词典中搜索(向左和向右双向搜索)最长的词语,并选择一个频率较高的。 这个程序源于 CPAN 模块 Lingua::ZH::WordSegment (http://search.cpan.org/~chenyr/) 我作了如下修改:1)使得接口面向对象化;2)使内部字符串使用 utf8 编码; 3)使用 sogou 字典(http://www.sogou.com/labs/dl/w.html)作为默认字典。
comms/mgetty-1.1.37 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Handle external logins, send and receive faxes
Mgetty is a "smart" getty replacement, designed to be used with Hayes compatible data and data/fax modems. Mgetty knows about modem initialization, manual modem answering (so your modem doesn't answer if the machine isn't ready), UUCP locking (so you can use the same device for dial-in and dial-out). Mgetty provides very extensive logging facilities. Sendfax sends the named g3 fax files to the fax machine at "phone number". The g3 files can be created with pbmtog3(1) or GNU's GhostScript with the "digifax" driver.
converters/psiconv-0.9.9 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Conversion utility to convert Psion 5(MX) files into other formats
Psiconv is a file conversion utility that converts between Psion 5(MX) files and more commonly-used *nux file formats. It can read Psion Word, TextEd, Sketch, MBM, and Clipart files, and outputs HTML 3.2, HTML 4, ASCII, and almost any graphical format. The libpsiconv library can also read Sheet files and output Word and TextEd files for use in other programs. Included is full documentation on several Psion 5(MX) file formats. This information is not available from Psion (it has been reverse-engineered from Psion files), and it's free for anybody to use.
converters/ta2as-0.8.2 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
TASM to AT&T asm syntax converter (GNU AS)
This simple tool reads a source file with TASM syntax and converts it to AT&T syntax. The AT&T syntax is widely used by GNU tools, in particular the GAS(AS) interpreter and GCC compiler. The TASM syntax is used by many commercial compilers and disassemblers, ie. NASM, MASM, Visual Studio or IDA Pro. Ta2As can automate most of the conversion, but it still isn't perfect - some correction have to be made manually before the code compiles. This tool was originally written by Frank van Dijk and released by SPiRiT group; this is continuation of his work, although not much of the original code remains.
databases/DBD-XBase-1.07 (Score: 3.8852955E-5)
Provides access to XBase (dBase, Fox*) database files through DBI
Module XBase provides access to XBase (dBase, Fox*) database files, namely dbf, dbt, fpt, ndx, ntx, mdx, idx and cdx. It provides native Perl interface ($table->get_record, $table->update_record) to read and write the tables. The index support is alpha and read only at the moment. Module DBD::XBase is a DBI driver that uses the XBase module to work with the data, providing you with DBI compliant processing interface and SQL commands ($dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TABLE")). As an argument to DBI->connect, specify "dbi:XBase:$dir", where $dir is the directory with the data files.