Ports 搜索

www/Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Sweet-0.06 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
CDBI model class for Catalyst that makes things sweeter
This model is a thin wrapper around Class::DBI::Sweet to let you use it as a Catalyst Model easily. It's similar to Catalyst::Model::CDBI::Plain.
Memcached storage backend for session data
"Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::Memcached" is a session storage plugin for Catalyst that uses the Cache::Memcached::Managed module to connect to memcached, a fast data caching server.
www/Flickr-API-1.27 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Perl interface to the Flickr API
A simple interface for using the Flickr API. Flickr::API is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent, so all of the various proxy, request limits, caching, etc are available.
www/GunghoX-FollowLinks-0.00006 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Perl extension to follow links within responses for Gungho
The most common action that a crawler takes is to follow links on a page. This module helps you with that task.
www/HTML-SimpleParse-0.12 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Bare-bones HTML parser
This module is a simple HTML parser. It is similar in concept to HTML::Parser, but it differs in a couple of important ways.
www/Starlet-0.24 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Perl extension for standalone HTTP/1.0 server
Starlet is a standalone HTTP/1.0 server. The server supports several features, and is suitable for running HTTP application servers behind a reverse proxy.
www/Syntax-Highlight-HTML-0.04 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Syntax::Highlight::HTML - Highlight HTML syntax
This module is designed to take raw HTML input and highlight it (using a CSS stylesheet). The returned HTML code is ready for inclusion in a web page.
www/Template-Plugin-MP3-1.02 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
TT Plugin that wraps around the MP3::Info module
Template::Plugin::MP3 is a plugin for TT, which provides a simple wrapper for using "MP3::Info" in object oriented mode.
www/Template-Plugin-Subst-0.02 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
TT plugin for s/// functionality in templates
Template::Plugin::Subst acts as a filter and a virtual method to carry out regular expression substitutions with back references on text and variables in the Template Toolkit.
www/IMDb-0.01 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Perl interface to query the Internet Movie Database(IMDb)
Internet Movie Database Perl library (IMDb.pm) is a Perl class that queries the Internet Movie Database via a simple OO interface.