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math/spooles-2.2 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
SPOOLES is a library for solving sparse real and complex linear systems of equations, written in the C language using object oriented design. At present, there is the following functionality: 1. Compute multiple minimum degree, generalized nested dissection and multisection orderings of matrices with symmetric structure. 2. Factor and solve square linear systems of equations with symmetric structure, with or without pivoting for stability. The factorization can be symmetric LDLT, Hermitian LDLH, or nonsymmetric LDU. A direct factorization or a drop tolerance factorization can be computed. The factors and solve can be done in serial mode, multithreaded with Solaris or POSIX threads, or with MPI. 3. Factor and solve overdetermined full rank systems of equations using a multifrontal QR factorization, in serial or using POSIX threads. 4. Solve square linear systems using a variety of Krylov iterative methods. The preconditioner is a drop tolerance factorization, with or without pivoting for stability.
math/tablix2-0.3.5 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Free software for solving timetabling problems
Tablix is a powerful free software kernel for solving general timetabling problems. It uses a coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithm in combination with other techniques to construct sensible timetables from XML formatted problem descriptions. Tablix can run on a single host as well as on a heterogeneous parallel virtual machine using PVM3. Tablix kernel supports a very wide range of timetabling problems, from high school timetabling to barge scheduling. A number of timetable constraints are already implemented in the default installation. Because of kernel's modular design it is easy to add custom timetable constraints and/or modify existing ones. Kernel modules are written in C. Extensive API documentation is available on the internet and in the source distribution.
misc/orville-write-2.55 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Advanced replacement for write/mesg
This implementation of the Unix write program adds many nice features while remaining close to the standard Unix program in spirit. It has been heavily used on M-Net since 1985 and on Grex since 1991, as well as a few other systems. It is a ground-up reimplementation using no proprietary code. It's available under a Berkeley-style license (no charge, no restriction on commercial use, just don't take my name off of it). The current version is fairly portable. Orville write was written for use on M-Net and Grex, both public access Unix systems in Ann Arbor. As such, many of the features are designed to support a system featuring a delicate mix of novice users and hostile pranksters, plus a lot of people who just want to talk. It's user interface is pretty much identical to the normal write program, but it offers many extensions and improvements.
net/Google-SAML-Response-0.14 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
SAML responses for Google SSO implementation
Google::SAML::Response can be used to generate a signed XML document that is needed for logging your users into Google using SSO. You have some sort of web application that can identify and authenticate users. You want users to be able to use some sort of Google service such as Google mail. When using SSO with your Google partner account, your users will send a request to a Google URL. If the user isn't already logged in to Google, Google will redirect him to a URL that you can define. Behind this URL, you need to have a script that authenticates users in your original framework and generates a SAML response for Google that you send back to the user whose browser will then submit it back to Google. If everything works, users will then be logged into their Google account and they don't even have to know their usernames or passwords.
net/pydirector-1.0.0 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
TCP load balancer written in Python
This is a pure-python TCP load balancer. It takes inbound TCP connections and connects them to one of a number of backend servers. Features: - async i/o based, so much less overhead than fork/thread based balancers. Can use either twisted or python's standard asyncore library (twisted is recommended, and asyncore support will be removed in a future version). - Multiple scheduling algorithms (random, round robin, leastconns, leastconns+roundrobin) - If a server fails to answer, it's removed from the pool - the client that failed to connect gets transparently failed over to a new host. - XML based configuration file (see a sample) - separate management thread that periodically re-adds failed hosts if they've come back up. - optional builtin webserver for admin (sample of the running screen) - webserver has methods suitable for both interactive and automated systems
net/wmnet2-1.06 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Nice network monitor for WindowMaker
This little program polls network statistics and does a few things with the data it gets. It has small blinking lights for the rx and tx of IP packets, a digital speedometer of your polled stat's current speed and a bar graph like xload et. al which has a tx speed graph from bottom-up and rx speed graph from the top-down. The speedometer keeps track of the current speed per second and shows it in a color corresponding to which of rx or tx that has the highest speed at the moment. Also, the graph is drawn in a way that the highest speed is drawn on top of the other while the other is in the background.
print/cdlabelgen-4.3.0 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Generate postscript for frontcards and traycards for CDs
cdlabelgen's purpose in life is twofold: o To be run automatically and swiftly from a shell script and automatically generate a frontcard and a traycard for a cd--usually data archive cd's. The traycard (which goes behind the CD itself) is U-shaped and the ends of the CD case bear the label of what the CD is. o To have a minimum of dependencies--cdlabelgen only requires perl. cdlabelgen was designed to simplify the process of generating labels for CD's. It originated as a program to allow auto generation of frontcards and traycards for CD's burned via an automated mechanism (specifically for archiving data), but has now become popular for labelling CD compilations of mp3's, and copies of CDs. Note that cdlabelgen does not actually print anything--it just spits out postscript, which you can then do with as you please. (from the manual, see cdlabelgen(1) for the full one)
ports-mgmt/jailaudit-1.5.1 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Script to generate portaudit reports for jails
This port contains a script to generate portaudit reports for jails running on a FreeBSD system. Normally portaudit just creates reports for the Host-system or the jail it is installed in. With a large number of jails running on a system, installing and updating portaudit in every jail is time-consuming and error-prone. Jailaudit uses the portaudit installed in the Host-system to create a report for every jail. The reports are appended to the daily security run and can be sent to a specific mail address, which allows the Host-system administrator to dispatch portaudit reports to the owners of jails, keeping them informed about potential security advisories of their installed ports. Jailaudit can be used on FreeBSD 5.1 or larger.
security/fswatch-0.02.b5 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
File system checksum checker
fswatch: - is a utility to guard changes in a file system. - is composed of three simple programs: fswbuild, fswcmp, fswshow. fswbuild builds a file system information database. fswcmp compares two database files and returns what changes a in file system have been introduced. fswshow shows contents of database file. a file information database is platform independent. - can collect the following information about files (and directories): inode, links, uid, gid, mode, size, flags, ctime, checksum (sha1) ; and can show which files were added, deleted or changed. - is one of many similar utilities. the main difference is the configuration. you can define different settings for every directory in a directory tree. moreover, it is very small and fast.
security/Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Perl module for the Eksblowfish block cipher
Eksblowfish is a variant of the Blowfish cipher, modified to make the key setup very expensive. ("Eks" stands for "expensive key schedule".) This doesn't make it significantly cryptographically stronger, but is intended to hinder brute-force attacks. It also makes it unsuitable for any application requiring key agility. It was designed by Niels Provos and David Mazieres for password hashing in OpenBSD. Eksblowfish is a parameterised (family-keyed) cipher. It takes a cost parameter that controls how expensive the key scheduling is. It also takes a family key, known as the "salt". Cost and salt parameters together define a cipher family. Within each family, a key determines an encryption function in the usual way. This distribution also includes an implementation of "bcrypt", the Unix crypt() password hashing algorithm based on Eksblowfish.