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Results 2,5612,570 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.022 seconds)
sysutils/bstack-0.1 (Score: 8.2874286E-4)
Debug tool that shows the stack trace of a running process
bstack - gstack for FreeBSD This is a port of gstack, a script build around gdb on RedHat and other Linux distros, to FreeBSD. bstack take a PID as only parameter and print out the back trace of that running process. If the process is multithread, the backtrace of all threads is printed. It works with the last version of GDB
audio/hexter-1.0.3 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
DSSI softsynth that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7
hexter is a software synthesizer that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer. It can easily load most DX7 patch bank files, edit those patches via a built-in editor or MIDI sys-ex messages (ALSA systems only), and recreate the sound of the DX7 with greater accuracy than any previous open-source emulation (that the author is aware of....) hexter operates as a plugin for the DSSI Soft Synth Interface. DSSI is a plugin API for software instruments (soft synths) with user interfaces, permitting them to be hosted in-process by audio applications.
devel/Data-Structure-Util-0.16 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
Perl5 module to change the nature of data within a structure
Data::Structure::Util - Change nature of data within a structure Data::Structure::Util is a toolbox to manipulate the data inside a data structure. It can process an entire tree and perform the operation requested on each appropriate element. For example: It can transform all strings within a data structure to utf8 or transform any utf8 string back to the default encoding. It can remove the blessing on any reference. It can collect all the objects or detect if there is a circular reference. It is written in C for decent speed.
devel/PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
PerlIO layer to add read and write timeouts to a handle
This package implements a PerlIO layer, that adds read / write timeout. This can be useful to avoid blocking while accessing a handle (file, socket, ...), and fail after some time. The timeout is implemented by using <select> on the handle before reading/writing. WARNING the handle won't timeout if you use sysread or syswrite on it, because these functions works at a lower level. However if you're trying to implement a timeout for a socket, see IO::Socket::Timeout that implements exactly that.
devel/Tree-RedBlack-0.5 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a type of balanced tree
Tree::RedBlack is a perl implementation of the Red/Black tree algorithm found in the book "Algorithms", by Cormen, Leiserson & Rivest (more commonly known as "CLR" or "The White Book"). A Red/Black tree is a binary tree which remains "balanced"- that is, the longest length from root to a node is at most one more than the shortest such length. It is fairly efficient; no operation takes more than O(lg(n)) time. A Tree::RedBlack object supports the following methods: new(), root(), cmp(&), insert($, $), delete($), find($), node($), min() and max().
devel/UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20150614 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
Try to recover from people calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
Whenever you use UNIVERSAL::isa as a function, a kitten using Test::MockObject dies. Normally, the kittens would be helpless, but if they use UNIVERSAL::isa (the module whose docs you are reading), the kittens can live long and prosper. This module replaces UNIVERSAL::isa with a version that makes sure that if it's called as a function on objects which override isa, isa will be called on those objects as a method. In all other cases the real UNIVERSAL::isa is just called directly.
net/stone-2.3e (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer
Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer. It repeats TCP and UDP packets from inside to outside of a firewall, or from outside to inside. Stone has following features: 1. Simple. Stone's source code is only 3000 lines long (written in C language), so you can minimize the risk of security holes. 2. Stone supports SSL. Using OpenSSL (http://www.openssl.org/), stone can encrypt/decrypt packets. 3. Stone is a http proxy. Stone can also be a tiny http proxy. 4. POP -> APOP conversion. With stone and a mailer that does not support APOP, you can access to an APOP server.
sysutils/supervisor-3.3.0 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
System to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like OS
Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It shares some of the same goals of programs like launchd, daemontools, and runit. Unlike some of these programs, it is not meant to be run as a substitute for init as "process id 1". Instead it is meant to be used to control processes related to a project or a customer, and is meant to start like any other program at boot time.
www/tagzilla-0.066.2 (Score: 8.2589366E-4)
Lets you add a tagline to the end of an email or newsgroup posting
TagZilla is an add-on to Mozilla that lets you add a tagline, random or specifically chosen by you, to the end of an email or newsgroup posting, or to the clipboard for pasting into a Web-based email or message board. What is a tagline? A tagline is a one-line joke, witticism, factoid, what have you. It can be about any subject (although it's good to ensure it's appropriate to the forum in question). The random quotes that can be found at the end of web pages like Slashdot or the MozDev home page could be considered taglines.
devel/TimeDate-2.30 (Score: 8.246785E-4)
Perl5 module containing a better/faster date parser for absolute dates
The TimeDate distribution replaces earlier GetDate distribution, which was only a date parser. The date parser contained in this distribution is far superior to the yacc based parser, and a *lot* faster. The parser contained here will only parse absolute dates, if you want a date parser that can parse relative dates then take a look at the Time modules by David Muir on CPAN. The file Local.pm.new which is included in this distribution is a patched version of Time::Local which comes with perl. It fixes two problems - It determines the zone offset based on now rather than epoch - It fixes a problem with looping forever when a year > 1900 is passed in