Ports 搜索

japanese/groff-1.18.1 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Japanese enhancement of GNU groff
Jgroff is based on GNU groff formating system. It is enhanced to handle Japanese EUC coded documents. Following devices are added by jgroff: nippon For typewriter-like devices using the Japanese-EUC coded character set. and following devices are enhanced to handle Japanese-EUC: dvi For TeX DVI format. ps For PostScript printers and previewers. X75 For a 75 dpi X11 previewer. X100 For a 100 dpi X11 previewer. X75-12 For a 75 dpi X11 previewer optimized for 12 point texts. X100-12 For a 100 dpi X11 previewer optimized for 12 point texts. Preview on X11 devices require japanese/gxditview is installed.
japanese/Date-Japanese-Holiday-0.05 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Perl module for Calculate Japanese Holiday
Date::Japanese::Holiday is-a Date::Simple, and calculates Japanese Holiday. this module supports from 1948-04-20 to now. is_holiday method return true value when the day is Holiday.
japanese/man-doc-5.4.20050911 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Japanese translation of FreeBSD manual pages
This is a Japanese translation of FreeBSD manual pages. Note that to build it, you need the CVS repository in ${CVSROOT} (/home/ncvs by default) on your machine.
Summary generator for Japanese
Lingua::JA::Summarize::Extract is a summary generator for Japanese text. The extraction method can be changed with the plug-in mechanism.
japanese/seaside-080908.s39 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Seaside: squeak based WWW application framework with Japanized patch
Seaside is a framework for developing sophisticated web applications in Smalltalk. This version of Seaside is applied Japanized patch. http://swikis.ddo.jp/umejava/22
japanese/skk-jisyo-201409 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
SKK (Simple Kana Kanji Convertor) is a very fast and efficient Japanese input method system, written in emacs-lisp. This package provides jisyo files (kana-kanji conversion dictionaries).
japanese/skkserv-9.6 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Dictionary server for the SKK Japanese-input software
SKK (Simple Kana Kanji Convertor) is a very fast and efficient Japanese input method system, written in emacs-lisp. This package is the skk-jisyo server.
java/commons-beanutils-1.9.2 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
JavaBeans utility library
JavaBeans utility library. It provides wrappers around getters and setters for a property in an object for classes that conform to the JavaBeans naming standard.
java/commons-cli-1.3.1 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Java library for command line arguments and options
The Jakarta Commons CLI library provides a simple and easy to use API for working with the command line arguments and options.
java/commons-dbcp-1.4 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
The DBCP Component
The DBCP Component Many Jakarta projects support interaction with a relational database. Creating a new connection for each user can be time consuming (often requiring multiple seconds of clock time), in order to perform a database transaction that might take milliseconds. Opening a connection per user can be unfeasible in a publicly-hosted Internet application where the number of simultaneous users can be very large. Accordingly, developers often wish to share a "pool" of open connections between all of the application's current users. The number of users actually performing a request at any given time is usually a very small percentage of the total number of active users, and during request processing is the only time that a database connection is required. The application itself logs into the DBMS, and handles any user account issues internally. There are several Database Connection Pools already available, both within Jakarta products and elsewhere. This Commons package provides an opportunity to coordinate the efforts required to create and maintain an efficient, feature-rich package under the ASF license. The commons-dbcp package relies on code in the commons-pool package to provide the underlying object pool mechanisms that it utilizes.