Ports 搜索

net/sqtop-2013.12.17 (Score: 0.07643312)
Console-based display of Squid proxy connections
sqtop is a console applicaton to display information about currently active client connections for a Squid proxy in a convenient way.
net/ssltunnel-1.18 (Score: 0.07643312)
PPP over SSL virtual private networking (client part)
ssltunnel is a client/server software to establish PPP links over SSL/TLS sessions. Client and server are mutually authenticated using X509 certificates, PPP packets are encrypted/decrypted realtime on each side. The client has the ability to initiate the connection through an HTTP/HTTPS relay, even if an authentification is needed. This is the client part.
net/ssltunnel-1.18 (Score: 0.07643312)
PPP over SSL virtual private networking (server part)
ssltunnel is a client/server software to establish PPP links over SSL/TLS sessions. Client and server are mutually authenticated using X509 certificates, PPP packets are encrypted/decrypted realtime on each side. The client has the ability to initiate the connection through an HTTP/HTTPS relay, even if an authentification is needed. This is the server part.
net/stone-2.3e (Score: 0.07643312)
Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer
Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer. It repeats TCP and UDP packets from inside to outside of a firewall, or from outside to inside. Stone has following features: 1. Simple. Stone's source code is only 3000 lines long (written in C language), so you can minimize the risk of security holes. 2. Stone supports SSL. Using OpenSSL (http://www.openssl.org/), stone can encrypt/decrypt packets. 3. Stone is a http proxy. Stone can also be a tiny http proxy. 4. POP -> APOP conversion. With stone and a mailer that does not support APOP, you can access to an APOP server.
net/wmnd-0.4.17 (Score: 0.07643312)
Improved network monitoring dock app (with tons of features)
WMND (WindowMaker Network Devices) is a highly customizable network monitoring dockapp for Window Maker (and compatibles) for many operative systems and devices.
net/wmnet-1.2 (Score: 0.07643312)
Network bandwidth monitor intended for the WindowMaker dock
This application displays the data rate through a given network interface. It is intended to be run from the WindowMaker dock, but others have run it under the fvwm and AfterStep window managers. Information about this software can be found on my web page:
net/wmnet2-1.06 (Score: 0.07643312)
Nice network monitor for WindowMaker
This little program polls network statistics and does a few things with the data it gets. It has small blinking lights for the rx and tx of IP packets, a digital speedometer of your polled stat's current speed and a bar graph like xload et. al which has a tx speed graph from bottom-up and rx speed graph from the top-down. The speedometer keeps track of the current speed per second and shows it in a color corresponding to which of rx or tx that has the highest speed at the moment. Also, the graph is drawn in a way that the highest speed is drawn on top of the other while the other is in the background.
net/stund-0.96 (Score: 0.07643312)
一个轻量级的 STUN(RFC 3489)服务器和客户端
STUN 服务器是一个 STUN 协议的实现,使得 STUN 可以用于基于 SIP 的系统。 STUN 服务器软件包也包含了一个客户端 API,以作为一个 SIP 终端。此外,还有 一个命令行的 UNIX 客户端和一个图形窗口的客户端,用来确认用户正在使用什么 类型的 NAT。 STUN 是一个应用层协议,它允许位于 NAT 后的客户端找出自己的公网 IP 地址和 位于 STUN 客户端和服务器端间的 NAT 设备的性质。 当前版本的代码支持 RFC 3489 的大多数特性,除了从服务器获得 OTP 的功能。
net/subnetcalc-2.2.0 (Score: 0.07643312)
IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
SubNetCalc is an IPv4/IPv6 subnet address calculator. For given IPv4 or IPv6 address and netmask or prefix length, it calculates network address, broadcast address, maximum number of hosts and host address range. The output is colourized for better readability (e.g. network part, host part). Also, it prints the addresses in binary format for better understandability. Furthermore, it can identify the address type (e.g. multicast, unique local, site local, etc.) and extract additional information from the address (e.g. type, scope, interface ID, etc.). Finally, it can generate IPv6 unique local prefixes.
net/svnup-1.07 (Score: 0.07643312)
Lightweight program to pull source from an Apache Subversion server
A lightweight, dependency-free program to pull source using the svn protocol.