Ports 搜索

devel/jsmin-2.0.1 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PHP extension for minifying JavaScript
This extension provides an API for minifying JavaScript.
devel/jsonc-1.3.7 (Score: 0.0052562496)
PECL extension for JSON manipulation
Support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) serialization. This is a drop-in alternative to PHP standard json extension.
devel/picp-0.6.8 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer
This is a FreeBSD port of picp, a command line driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer. It is compatible with a variety of PICs including the 16F84.
devel/codegen-1.0.7 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Tool to create code generators that operate on XML descriptions
This is an 'abstract' package, it provides the base framework for applications like CodeGen_PECL.
devel/perlconsole-0.4 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively
Perl Console is a light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively. It uses Readline for grabbing input and provides completion with all the namespaces loaded during your session. This is pretty useful for Perl developers that write modules. You can load a module in your session and test a function exported by the module. Readline is used to grab user input and provides then all the facilities your are used to : completion, key bindings, ...
devel/poslib-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Posadis C++ DNS library
Poslib is a portable C++ DNS library, a part of Posadis project. It consists of two parts: a client library and a server library. Using the client library, you can simply develop applications that use the Domain Name System (DNS). It includes many functions for resolving, domain-name manipulation and Resource Record (RR) creation. The server library, based on the client core, can be used to develop DNS servers. By implementing a query entry-point function using the Poslib library of functions, you can easily create DNS servers, without worrying about low-level details such as DNS message compilation, domain-name compression and UDP/TCP transmission.
devel/libreadline-java-0.8.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
JNI wrapper around GNU Readline / libedit / libgetline
Java-Readline is a port of GNU Readline for Java. Or, to be more precise, it is a JNI-wrapper to Readline. It is distributed under the LGPL. You must call Readline.load(ReadlineLibrary lib); before using any other methods. If you omit the call to the load()-method, the pure Java fallback solution is used. Possible values for lib are: ReadlineLibrary.PureJava ReadlineLibrary.GnuReadline ReadlineLibrary.Editline ReadlineLibrary.Getline Note that all programs using GnuReadline will fall under the GPL, since Gnu-Readline is GPL software!
devel/notifier-0.5.8 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Generic notifier/event scheduler abstraction
pyNotifier is a notifier/event scheduler abstraction written in python. It implements notification mechanisms for socket events (read or write) and timers. Additionally external event dispatchers may be called during an idle period.
devel/json-py-3.4 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Python implementation of a JSON (http//:json.org) reader/writer
json-py is a simple, pure-python implementation of a JSON (http://json.org) reader and writer. JSON is used to exchange data across systems written in various languages. It is particularly suited to dynamic languages like Python, Javascript, etc. JSON = Javascript Object Notation implies it is suitable for AJAX applications that exchange data from servers to Javascript applications running on web browser clients.
devel/mercurialserver-1.2.0 (Score: 0.0052562496)
Software for hosting mercurial repositories
mercurial-server gives your developers remote read/write access to centralized Mercurial repositories using SSH public key authentication; it provides convenient and fine-grained key management and access control. All of the repositories controlled by mercurial-server are owned by a single user (the "hg" user in what follows), but many remote users can act on them, and different users can have different permissions. We don't use file permissions to achieve that - instead, developers log in as the "hg" user when they connect to the repository host using SSH, using SSH URLs of the form "ssh://hg@repository-host/repository-name". A restricted shell prevents them from using this access for unauthorized purposes. Developers are authenticated only using SSH keys; no other form of authentication is supported. To give a user access to the repository, place their key in an appropriately-named subdirectory of "/usr/lcoal/etc/mercurialserver/keys" and run "refresh-auth". You can then control what access they have to what repositories by editing the control file "/usr/local/etc/mercurialserver/access.conf", which can match the names of these keys against a glob pattern. For convenient remote control of access, you can instead (if you have the privileges) make changes to a special repository called "hgadmin", which contains its own "access.conf" file and "keys" directory. Changes pushed to this repository take effect immediately. The two "access.conf" files are concatenated, and the keys directories merged.