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Interface to MaxMind minFraud service
NAME Business::MaxMind::CreditCardFraudDetection - Access MaxMind minFraud services ABSTRACT This module queries the MaxMind minFraud service and returns the results. The service uses a free e-mail database, an IP address geog- raphy database, a bank identification number, and proxy checks to return a risk factor score representing the likelihood that the credit card transaction is fraudulent.
french/med-3.0.8 (Score: 0.011843925)
Modelisation et Echanges de Donnees
MED stands for "Mod�lisation et �changes de Donn�es", i.e. Data Modelization and Exchanges. MED ��fichier��, c'est�: * Un mod�le d'�change de donn�es commun centr� sur les notions de maillage et de r�sultat. Ce mod�le d�crit quelles sont les donn�es export�es et �chang�es entre les codes. * Une API (Application Programming Interface) d'acc�s aux donn�es qui se pr�sente sous la forme d'une biblioth�que informatique �crite en C et FORTRAN 77. Cette biblioth�que est distribu�e sous licence GNU LGPL. * Des donn�es �chang�es et stock�es dans des fichiers au format HDF (Hierarchical Data Format).
french/homard-11.2.1 (Score: 0.011843925)
Refinement and de-refinement mesh tool
A refinement and de-refinement mesh tool, used by Code_Aster for its adaptative mesh capability.
ftp/ftpcopy-0.6.7 (Score: 0.011843925)
Command line ftp tools for listing and mirroring
Two command line ftp tools. ftpcopy is a simple FTP client written to copy files or directories (recursively) from a FTP server. It's main purpose is to mirror FTP sites which support the MLSD/MLST commands or which employ the EPLF directory listing format, although it also supports the traditional listing format (/bin/ls). ftpls is a FTP client which generates directory listings, either in plain text or HTML format. The tools only support passive mode FTP, intentionally.
ftp/ftpsesame-0.95 (Score: 0.011843925)
Helper for pf firewall to pass FTP protocol
ftpsesame helps the FTP protocol get through your pf firewall. It does this by passively analysing FTP control connections and adding rules into a pf anchor when an FTP data connection is about to commence.
ftp/gollem-3.0.9 (Score: 0.011843925)
Horde Web-based File Manager
Gollem is a web-based File Manager, providing the ability to fully manage a hierarchical file system stored in a variety of backends such as a SQL database, as part of a real filesystem, or on FTP, Samba or SSH servers.
ftp/oftpd-0.3.7 (Score: 0.011843925)
Threaded, anonymous only FTP server designed for security
oftpd is designed to be as secure as an anonymous FTP server can possibly be. It runs as non-root for most of the time, and uses the Unix chroot() command to hide most of the systems directories from external users - they cannot change into them even if the server is totally compromised! It contains its own directory change code, so that it can run efficiently as a threaded server, and its own directory listing code (most FTP servers execute the system "ls" command to list files).
ftp/pftpd-1.0.3 (Score: 0.011843925)
Multithreaded anonymous FTP daemon
Pftpd is an implementation of an anonymous FTP daemon written from scratch. It uses multithreading (where available) in order to be lightweight, but still have high performance.
ftp/wget-1.18 (Score: 0.011843925)
Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP(S) and FTP
GNU wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive command-line tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without X-Windows support, etc. GNU wget has many features to make retrieving large files or mirroring entire web or FTP sites easy, including: o Can resume aborted downloads, using REST and RANGE o Can use filename wild cards and recursively mirror directories o NLS-based message files for many different languages o Optionally converts absolute links in downloaded documents to relative, so that downloaded documents may link to each other locally o Supports HTTP and SOCKS proxies o Supports HTTP cookies o Supports persistent HTTP connections o Unattended / background operation o Uses local file timestamps to determine whether documents need to be re-downloaded when mirroring o GNU wget is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
games/katomic-4.14.3 (Score: 0.011843925)
Sokoban-like Logic game
KAtomic is a fun educational game built around molecular geometry. It employs simplistic two-dimensional looks at different chemical elements.